Looking for the best Refugium

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Jules Verne

Sep 7, 2008
Grants Pass Oregon
I am moving up from my 50 gallon to a 95 Wave-Front. I got the halides/flour hood, a wave machine, a corner overflow coming in the mail. I'm going to drill out the back (the bottom is tempered glass) with two holes and route my plumbing through that.
I think I've got that part figured out - provided the glass shop does not break the glass!
But I am definitely weak on the filtration part. I've got a protein skimmer. And a Fluval 404 that I could use, but I am thinking that I want a refugium instead of the Fluval.
My question is..... what is a really good brand of refugium and what size would you suggest for a relatively low-load tank? I would consider a refugium with a built in protein skimmer instead of using the one I have.

Thanks for your thoughtful replies!
The aquarium is approximately 24" tall x 48" wide x 18" front to back.
The protein skimmer came with it and is an Aquarium Systems with a maxijet 1800 pump. It is about 7" wide and 16" tall.
Thanks for helping!
I would suggest just finding a used 40 gallon breeder or something along those lines. Silicone in a few baffles to create a pump compartment and a skimmer/inflow compartment. Refugiums are simply devices and I find that if you go DIY, you can save yourself a LOT of money and usually come up with something that will be functionally superior to most premade refugiums. However, the premade ones will look a lot prettier. ;)
IMO and from the research I have done a Refugium tank should be above the tank and have a slow trickle into the main tank otherwise it is just a fancy name for a sump.

If you want things to grow in it such as copepods and feed your main tank do you really want all these live things going through a pump into your main tank? They will be dead once they go through the pump. I guess if you looking to add a food processor to your tank this is the way to do it.

Again IMO it is not worth the money
That salty fish guy is right on the lines when it comes to feeding but for filtration it is best to make your own and to set it up like u want it .. Is it possible to make a stand that the 5o will fit under then all u need is sillycone and some cut to size pieces of plexi for the baffles and some time on melevesreef.com and u will be set !
Also the above tank refuge is usually a add on or after thought to tanks that are already setup. It is easier to drill the sump and then place it above the tank...
Hey thanks for your replies. i am confused though with a couple of points.
1. I have never seen a fish store with the refugium above the tank. Why not?
2. The copepods are pretty small. Does a pump really puree them?
Anyway i am looking for recommendations as to the best manufactured refugium out there so that I can either learn form the professionals as to layout or simply buy it as I do not have a lot of free time.

1. most store dont because it doesn't look as clean( and space is limited), and since most fish stores usually tie all their tanks together its easier to have one communal sump than several above refugiums also they target feed thus those extra nutrients for a fuge probally doesnt do fish stores any good. thats my thinking anyways.i have however seen hob fuges in reef frag tanks like blue sierra. make w.e best suits you needs. my build i have both a sump and above fuge.
2. they are very fragile enough said pump would tear em apart.
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Kevin at Aquatic Dreams has said that its actually not very true, the critters actually have a pretty high survival rate coming through the pumps. My refugium is under the tank, and plenty make it through. Sure, flowing into the tank would be more efficient, but it is far from making them useless.
I have to agree I have proven this true we took a tank that was new I put grass and seasoned rock in the bottom and by the third day there was some in the tank!
All ways wonder that ?Ohh those eggs hatched last night when i woke I didnt find a lick of them anywhere !
In the same conversation I had with Kevin, he talked about how it is not unusual for him to see those micro brittlestars come flying out of the return line whole. If they can make it through, I'm sure quite a few pods and such get through.
I have had huge success with my undertank refugium. I do know that a Mandarin can clean 75 gallon tank out of all pods. I could not keep one alive due to not enough food. I added my refugium and the little guy has not only survived but has become the fattest mandarin I have ever seen.
I think your best bet is a remote refugium, and as big as you can. You do not need a lot of flow and it is cheap to run tubing, put it under your house, in your garage, wherever you can. I have mine in my unheated basement with great sucess (i even have mysis shrimp gorwing on their own). Even a crawl space could work. I have a deal for a compelte fuge package for only $150.

