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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Silverdale, Wa
(also posted at 3Reef.com)

(Hey Eric/Johnathan, hope you see this!)

This is so I am almost embarrassed to post it. Has taken me three days to do so. :oops:

Following my 3 day "lights out" experiment (which was a total bust as far as I am concerned)...took another 3 days for my colts and leathers to fully extend again & I was missing my blue hippo tang.

No sign of her about tank, I have a full canopy, so she could not hop out. Hermits were acting normal and spread about tank, not disappearing if there was something dead in tank.

Sooo, I thought, maybe she leaped into one of the twin overflows ("All-Glass" 125.) Pulled the canopy off, & holy s#@t I could not believe my eyes...:eek:

There, swimming around happily, were two perc clownfish...mature female & a little male.

When first moving to my 125 gal 4+ years ago, I went thru a couple different sets of juvenile clowns...a pair of Ocellaris, which beat themselves to death...a pair of percs (which disappeared :confused: )...and finally a pair of juvenile maroons, which have matured nicely over time, regularly laying a clutch of eggs every 8-10 days.

So for 4 plus years the percs have been living in a very dark walled home, getting enough light and food to survive.

In my excitement I grabbed a net and "fished" them out and put them in the main tank.

They never had a chance. The damsels attacked from the right side and the Maroon clowns from the left. Not even the Coral Beauty could defend them.

When I could not stand the sight anymore, I once again netted them (easy, as they were pretty well exhausted from being chased around tank.) And then returned them to the overflow.

If they did alright after all that time, they can live there happily ever after.;D
(will check on them when ever I remove canopy - couple of times a year to change bulbs)

Here a pic of them being chased about tank....


PS...I put a little food in the overflow now every time I feed.

PSS...the tang was in the other overflow :D (am going to have to use the fishing line/hook trick on her...she is not about to be netted.)
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yeah, I feel sad for those beautiful fish having to live in the overflow. Maybe you could find them a new home?
That is amazing. Atleast they had each other to keep company.

I had a percula clown a while back that seemed to really love the overflow in my old 72g tank. I managed to get it out a couple of times and always found it back there again after a few days or a week. I eventually stopped trying and just put some food back there for it as you plan to :)

I know first hand how easy it is to lose a fish too. Since upgrading to my 210 I've added a couple of small gobies and have not seen them since. Hopefully they are just happily living in the rocks and out of sight.
I lost a canary blenny a while back. I was hoping he was in the overflow but I couldn't see him in there....
yeah, I feel sad for those beautiful fish having to live in the overflow. Maybe you could find them a new home?

Yeah, I feel a bit sad for them also...my main tank would be such a great place for them if it weren't for those monster damsels & the maroons.

Am thinking about dropping an anemone in with them (I have a number of smaller BTA's that keep splitting). Don't really think there would be enough light for it, but might be if it stayed near top of overflow. Worth a try. Would give the little guys something to play in.:|
Ok...am going to set up a Nano just for them starting today. --- idea from melev at Reef Central.
Perfect!! :)

I have a 30 gallon cube for my special needs clownfish (blind) and his anemone too.
For future reference to any and all who read this.....Gutter guard and three zip ties make for an impenetrable fish fence for overflows. I have an open top tank and lost three fish to suicide before building a fence around my whole tank perimeter. The ten dollars was well worth it after losing $150 in fish in six months.
Thank you Reefergeorge and Jan...am excited about new home for them myself! Now that I know about them, I want to move them out of the overflow into something else as soon as possible.

My wife said take them out and sell back to LFS. "Hell no" I said. This is like finding two lost children. These are very special fish. They deserve the best for as long as they are around. (besides, good excuse to set up another tank - have some nice corals and anemones I want to move from main tank anyway) :p

Going to name them (all my fish have names)..."Lazarus" & "Lazarina." :D

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