MACNA. So I hear Calfo was arrested and somebody got stabbed!

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Fragologist Magnus
Nov 30, 2003
Just kidding, but I am sure it was an attention getter :lol: :lol:

I have been following a few threads in RC and my previous club's forum about the soap opera MACNA has turned into. Such a shame that the on time of the yeaar where people just want to get together with a bunch of "fish people" like my wife calls us, some people see it as a time to create this kind of public scenes.

Where you there? What was new this year? Pictures? I don't expect mojoreef to contribute much because I doubt his alcohol level was low enough for him know where he was much less what was going on :lol: :lol: Missed you Mike.........
So fill the rest of us in, what happened at MACNA? that is, the "real" what happened.
Hey guys ... I made it back from MACNA ... I personally had a good time. I put some faces to the names ... Met Gene (Zenya), Barry from Clams Direct, Nikki, Mary, Curt and many others. I will post the pictures I took sometime soon.

It is true Anthony was not allowed at the event, I don't know all of the details as I was not there when it happened, so maybe someone who actually was right there will chime in. He was not arrested though, that I do know :) Maybe Anthony will pop on here and say hi sometime too ...

I enjoyed the event. Mostly just enjoyed hanging out and being with the fellow reefing buddies, heading into Boston, taking water taxis, the whole works. I was disappointed in having to choose between 3 speakers for each speaking engagement. Made things tough to choose.

Was sorry all of the vendors were not in one location either. If it would have rained, the outside tents would have been in trouble with less traffic, so it was a good thing it didn't rain.

I hung out with Mike and Nikki most of the time, hopefully they will chime in here when they get some sleep and give their impressions as well.
what little that Ive been told ,this has to do with the orginizer of the conference. He and Anthony had words and he was banned from the conference and hotel. I dont remember the other dudes name but he is a nobody in the Boston reef society.
Thing I dont get is that if Calfo had a ticket how can he be not allowed in.


Did I hear you right? You said Mike and Nikki are sleeping together? Just kidding man. couldn't help it. I know Calfo wasn't arrested. I was just kidding too. I read some posts in RC about how he was no only not allowed in, but was actually asked to leave with police or such thing. Really sad things have to come to that kind of thing sometimes.
Yea I guess thier always has to be some drama in this hobby, lol. It was great to meet folks and put some faces to names. Alot of great speakers to, a desent time. Thats what these are really all about anyway, drama well....thats for the folks that need it.

Just for the record as I ended up being the buffer for most of it. The police were never involved, he was banned from the event and the hotel but had a good little mini macna of his own at the other hotel and was having a great time. I think thier was just a little too much ego from a few folks that got in the way of what should have been a better situation, But if anyone knows Anthony they know is liked by all and will always find a good time in a sour situation.

Glad to see you guys had a good time. Anything new on the information or equipment end this year???


What do you think about those Deltec and bubble king skimmers?
Wow....How could someone push a person so dedicated to this hobby away? If someone goes somewhere for free and brings more people with him because people love him for what he has taught them. I guess I am very confused............Anthony, you can come to my house anytime..Oh, and there is a Bar a block away. In case we run out of Beer...or have to run for Beer which ever comes first...

you don't bite the hand that feeds ya....
hehehe - Alberto, great title for this thread! The drama was getting to be a little much by the story after another. Even the police talking about Greenpeace coming to demonstrate. Despite the frustrating "stuff" that happened, I enjoyed meeting with EVERYONE, and I had a blast getting to know you guys!

Alberto - ZEOvit had a display there, and I know Mike spoke with one of the reps there for quite sometime. Check the ZEOvit thread for details. I looked at the Deltec skimmers.....WOW on the price. The self cleaning kit was pretty cool.
I have to agree with ya Ed, but its a really convoluted thing now. The Boston members put alot of time and energy into this event and I dont think it would be fair to tarnish thier work because of the actions of one or two individuals. So for me I had a good time, I know Anthony had a good time (most of the time) so for me I will leave it at that.

Alberto..Yea you dog, lol Mr. Saxby spent alot of time pounding me on the new skimmer he wants me to have, rofl. It is a really realy nice unit and I dont dought its effectiveness but the tag was just to high for a cheapsake like me to jump on. The unit for my tank was 3500 and then the self cleaner was another 1100. to rich for my blood.

Your right, I am not Anthony or the other individual. Anthony and that person could be best friends next year or I hope so. I do wish MACNA Success or any other Social event that includes Saltwater. I am a Big Anthony Fan. I know that Anthony gives back to the Hobby more than he takes. I just wish I could have been there in the corner with you guys. In the pictures you guys looked like you had fun. I loved that. Hey, its good to see you guys back also. It got kinda quiet in here without you.
Glad your back in one piece,
look forward to reading more threads
special Ed