Mad at CoralVue eef Octopus skimmers

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It's only money, RIGHT?
Mar 28, 2010
Black Diamond,Wa.
Ok CoralVue replaced my bad pump on my DC200INT skimmer because it was tripping my breaker. They sent it to my new address , no problem. Then while I was waiting for the pump I pulled my skimmer body to clean it and saw some crazing. I bought this in December with a 2 year warrantee on the pump and a one year warrantee on the body. They told me they would send a new body and then they sent it to my old address and I wrote them and they said they would change it to my new address. Well it went to the old address and now they won't answer my e mails and tickets in there site. I love reef octopus skimmers but the customer service sucks. Don't bu one if you have the choice.I told them I would post this if they didn't make it right and they said they would and now they are not.
If your shopping for a skimmer remember that there support sucks...And the new pump they sent is smaller than the orig, and doesn't fit the original skimmer right.
Sorry to hear that. I find that most companies in this hobby have terrible customer service except for HydorKoralia USA, I have had very good luck with them.