maG 7 thread size

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May 15, 2006
mag 7 has a threaded outlet... what size is that...

IM gonna make my self a pvc return and then switch it out.
1/2 nvm

Im pritty sure i have the 7


guess i need a female threaded 1/2 coupler to 1/2 pvc then ill have to figer out how to get to over the glass.... maybe a small rubber hose. with clamps

would it be better if i used all 45degree turns insted of 90's?
would it be better if i used all 45degree turns insted of 90's?

Going over the top of the back of the tank?

It's all about ugliness at that point. What are you willing to stare at?
I agree...Flex spa/pvc is better than ny elbow or 45, but if you have to use one or the other, go for the 45's where you can:)

As for your return nozzle, look how it was done on this closed loop. Very simple and cheap. I'll also fetch some pics how I made one. Give me a sec
Here's how I did a return for my old 38gal...I made up the plumbing using PVC, painted it black to make it look a bit more appealing, put a female couplin on the end to the tank side so I could thread in a male lockline adaptor (which you can see in the first attachment) and then used lockline tubing and a nozzle on the end to direct my flow (attachment 2) As for the input side, I just put on another female couplin and threaded in a male barbed fitting (attachment 3 ..You'll have to maximize the pic and look for the red arrow) so I could attach the hose to it coming from the pump. HTH:)
Hey Krish,

Flex spa... is that the stuff you had on your closed loops on your 38gal cube?

because IMO the stuff with ridges is not to be used for any pressurized flow.
Flex spa... is that the stuff you had on your closed loops on your 38gal cube?

because IMO the stuff with ridges is not to be used for any pressurized flow.

The white flexible pvc I used on my 38gal I call flex pvc, but I've seen others call it flex spa as well (atleast that is what the pool company calls it here so I call it either) However, I always thought the ridged stuff you are talking about, was called flex spa or pond hose and the stuff I used was flex pvc, but who knows(LOL)...This is what I call flex pvc in the attachment below. There is also spiral flex as well In any event, I'll stick to calling it flex pvc now on ( which is in the attachment below) seeing it is more pvc than anything else IMO and stop confusing people :D

BTW, Jon...You can always buy one of these for your return line and call it a day:)
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well, hell if were gonna get bent outa shape ill leave it...

im useing a 1/2" clear urathan tubeing now for return....

i figed something permanit would be better..

you think im geting the most flow right with no bends?
you think im geting the most flow right with no bends?

You will get more flow from less bends, but that only depends on how many as well as how long the runs are. You may not even notice any difference in flow with just a few bends:)
but i guess if its not broke dont fix it???/

the way i have it now the clear tube is pushed on over the mag outlet... theres no clamp, its a really really hard tight fit...

same thing goin on, on the top end my little black plastic swivel thingy, that has a 1/2" to start, and then it gets bigger to 3/4. The clear tube is pushed on tight....

what if i put a threaded peace on the mag. that goes to like a barb (think thats it) connecter and bring a.......... wait a min

thats why i wanted this hole convo to start...

the tube is clear and stuff has grown to the inside (where the lighting for the sump is)

should i replace it?
hmm black so the algea, cant grow

good idea...

ill stick with the 1/2 flex tubeing... it seems to work fine... but like you said black...insted of clear...

ive noticed this months back that the lower part of the tube was geting darker, and the part behind the tank (wheres theres no light) is still clear...

ill replace with black tube soon