I got carried away ordering some mangroves, and they are a lot bigger than I thought they would be. lol, sooo...I have some mangroves for sale. The small ones are about 8-12 inches and they are $5 each, and I have some that are +15 inches that I will sell for $8. I'm free today and tomorrow if anyone would like to come and get them. They are super healthy with lots of roots and some even have +7 leaves.
Thanks! =)
I got carried away ordering some mangroves, and they are a lot bigger than I thought they would be. lol, sooo...I have some mangroves for sale. The small ones are about 8-12 inches and they are $5 each, and I have some that are +15 inches that I will sell for $8. I'm free today and tomorrow if anyone would like to come and get them. They are super healthy with lots of roots and some even have +7 leaves.
Thanks! =)