Maroon Clown question

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Nov 13, 2004
Olympia, WA
On juvenile striped maroons, when can I tell whether or not they are gold-striped or white-striped? I just bought a pair(two or em, not bonded yet) and they are white banded and both less than an inch in length. They were labeled as maroon clowns, tank-raised on the sticker
Any GSM clowns I have had have always had yellow. You more than likely got White stripe maroon clowns. Which are still nice. Petco often has them. Is that where you got yours? I got a WSM and was told the stripes turn gold after a year in age, it never happened. The gold and white are two different species.
I saw some at Dr. Mac's that had white stripes but the caption said that they would turn later in life? These are VERY VERY small clowns right now. If they are white-striped that is cool or if they are gold that is cool just wondering if this metamorphysis actually occurs or not ;)
Hi Isaac. Here's the skinny on Premnas biaculeatus:

On about any maroon clowns that are LESS than a year old, they will have white stripes, no matter if they are Regular Maroons or Gold-Band Maroons. Nor, does it matter if they are WILD caught or Captive bred.

Thus, it takes a bit more to determine whether it is a regular or a gold. If the retailer or LFS label it Gold-band/stripe maroons, and you do not see any, most likely they are captive bred from ORA, and will start getting its gold coloration at the head-band stripe. This occurs and as they get older and mature, the rest of the stripes will turn golden.

Another indication of a gold-stripe juvenile clown is the wider band stripe. Regular maroons have smaller bandwidth (no pun intended).

What usually arrives at the LFS or petstore are wild-caught Gold-band Maroons due to the cheaper nature, as compared to ORA...captive bred. Sometimes you see really small wild-caught clowns that already develop gold coloration. This is an indication of age, and age doesn't always mean a 'big' clown. As you know male clowns stay small, even at older ages, when present with a larger female clown.

Enjoy your clowns :)

- Elmo
These were 15 bux a piece so maybe they are wild-caught GSM's! I know the one big one has already started to host in the RBTA and gets SUPER territorial whenever you get anywhere near the tank. Thanks everyone from the help! Oh one other thing, both of them are misbarred the smaller of the two has a really large tail-bar and the larger of the two has no bar on one side of its head.
I bought a pair of gold maroons at about 1" they were showing a gold band with a white edge then. A year and a bit later they had developed into a pair the female was about 4" and the male looked as though he hadn't grown. Lost the male in a powerhead one night - I introduced a young male at about 1" long and she took to him nicely- that was approx 6 months ago now they look as though they may spawn she's doing a lot of tail-wagging and clearing sand of the bottom he occassionally displays so keeping fingers crossed. Back to colour ... she is a really dark dusky red with a solid gold band - he is a lighter shade and still has a slim white edging to the gold band which does't seem as intense as the female. I understand they are wild stock from W Australia from the LFS
hi guys iam new to this hobby so your help would be useful.
i am a proud owner of a 150 gallon tank planning to set up a fowlr tank due to this being my first and all. well i need help with what fish to put in. plzz give me a list of compatible fish it must have a powder blue tang and a yellow tang hippo tang and a porcipine fish plzz help. oh yes and how much live rock should i use about 4 boxes?

my e.mail [email protected]
tdksound2005, why don't you start a new thread in the general discussion, and that way we can be more specific on your particular system. Here is a link to the General Discussion. Simply click on the button that says "New Topic". Sounds like it will be a great set-up! I'll keep my eye out for the thread. :)