Massive pod culture attempt

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gREEF Stricken

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2014
Graham WA
Greetings Fellow diversity nuts...

So I have a 75 gal stock tank I want to convert to a massive pod culture tank. Lots of rock, macros and pods Pods PODS!!!! Want as many symbiotic little edible critters as I can stuff in...I know the basics but wanted any input you might have...Thx

What type of pods? Amphipods gamaridae is what we typically easily see. They live in algae like chateo & in the rocks. They are both herbivores & detrivores. Many require phytoplankton. I feed my rotifers nannochloropsis phytoplankton. I have a culture of tiger pods which also require phytoplankton but nannochloropsis won't meet their nutritional needs. Different types of pods have different needs. The instructions for tiger pods I received is to grow in a shallow container. If you use a bucket ( I do) only fill half way. These are my tiger pods 20150223_150254.jpg
I have read on these and other forums that no matter what species you start with they will compete with each other until you end up with only a couple species. Are these meant as a food source for a mandarin or the like?
I have read on these and other forums that no matter what species you start with they will compete with each other until you end up with only a couple species. Are these meant as a food source for a mandarin or the like?

Recently read the same thing. May have more than one culture going in different vessels. and yes, they will be for feeding livestock, and for selling to locals to afford my habit
Copepods, isopods, and amphipods or however u say it r the ones I kno of. Sand fleas lol.
Yeah yeah. No. I'm just saying copepods look like sand fleas. Buddy always called em that when we went collecting in Oregon
Now I gotta Google it lol.
Ok for everybody following...I seeded with a bottle of Tiggers and a healthy dose of Amphi's from R's2go. I have been adding live Phyto and Phyto feast every 2-3 days and put an ATO on the system... I go every night after lights out with a flashlight but still see NO real visible signs of critters without really stirring things up...any ideas?

Tiger pods lay eggs that take about 3 weeks to hatch. Give it some time. Amphipods from reefs2go like left over fish food & waste. Try feeding a small amount of fish food.