Mating crabs

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New member
Apr 26, 2011
Monroe WA.
So yesterday, i was watching my crabs fight pretty ferociusly, so i called in my boys to watch....
Well, after a few minutes it was obvious to me, they were mating. The smaller, w/ small pincers made Larger submit and rolled her over.
When i told my boys what they were doin, they exclaimed "Gross" and ran out... I grabbed my camera.
Obviously i grabbed camera to late, but captured this before they just seperated and milled about again.

So i am wondering if any experienced persons here can give me advice on the success of rearing them through a crab stage.
If video didnt work, try this.... 101_9883.mp4 video by guntert - Photobucket
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Oh and by the way.... Welcome to RF
Glad to have you.
We would all be interested in more pics and info on your system when you geta a chance.
1000x500px-LL-b883b438_DSCN03471.JPGidk lol im still working on getting pics up but ive caught my crabs doin the hibbidy dibbity as well....also saw the female releasing the eggs! My chromis gobbled em all up though!
Mine did that a few days ago... They were walking around doing their crab thing, and I noticed the female and male were getting close but didn't think anything of it as I was busy mixing up a batch of food to freeze and adjusting the ph in the tank. When I got back, they were all locked up belly to belly - bow chicka bow bow :eek:) and of course the batteries in my camera are dead. By the time I got downstairs from grabbing the cell phone they had just separated and went back to their business... no cuddling - what a bummer... glad I'm not a crab, I guess