mcoomer's 180G Starphire build

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Who's your daddy?!?
Nov 6, 2009
Sammamish, WA
I picked this tank up from one of the members on RC and got it home and setup in the garage today so I can start my build. The tank is 72 X 24 X24 with Starphire on the front and sides. The stand is steel angle and is 37" tall. There is a single 1" square tube in the center for additional support. This thing is built like a tank.



The holes for drain and return plumbing are in the right end of the tank. I'm going to use the large hole for the return line and the second and third holes for drains. As you can see from the adhesive residue in the picture there was an overflow box mounted here in the past. I'm going to mount one that extends all the way to the bottom. I don't really have a need for that fourth hole so what I'm going to do is plumb that hole so that I can drain the overflow box and flush it to remove detritus. Can't really think of another use for it.


For the stand, I'm going to have gussets welded at the top and bottom of the vertical steel angles. I probably don't need them but they'll do two things for me. First they'll provide additional strength. They'll also provide a good surface for a magnet to attach. Once that's done I'll build a tub for the right side and put the sump and plumbing in on that side. I'll have just enough room to install the sump and mount a Reeflo at 90* to the sump. I'm going to put this on a rail or rollers so that I can disconnect the plumbing and slide the whole thing out the side of the stand for equipment changes and deep cleaning. I'll mount a board on the back wall on this side to mount the power strips and modules for my Reefkeeper Elite.

On the left side of the stand I'm going to put in two shelves. There are small tabs welded on the inside of the angle iron and I'll use those to mount a shelf to. I'll put my ballasts on this shelf and test kits and such on the bottom shelf.

For the skin, I want to attach wood panels to the stand using magnets. I'm going to put doors on the front so that I'll have quick access to the inside of the stand but for maintenance I'll simply pull the skin off all the way around for full access. The canopy will be wood with three doors on the front to match the stand and a full length hinge on top for ventilation during the heat of summer. The canopy will be a pretty straightforward design. I'm kind of torn on how to finish the wood though. I saw a drop dead gorgeous stand on here that was stained a dark cherry with very low gloss finish and that's probably the route I'll take but I also saw another nice stand that was painted jet black with a low gloss finish that looked really good too. Either one would look great so I suppose I'm just going to have to sleep on it.

Anyway, the pics show what I'm starting with. The setup will use 250W MH and VHO lighting, Vortechs, and I'm going to update the pump with a Reeflo Hammerhead. I'll also have to put some more liverock into the tank but I've got some dried stuff that's just been hanging out in a crate in the garage so I think I have that covered. About the only thing that I'm going to have to buy is the wood for the carpentry and the new pump that I want. I've always bought my equipment with an eye for upgrading so I just going to move it all over from my 125. That will let me keep my cost down and the wife off my back. Quick pic of the 125 for reference. Just a quick snap so forgive the poor quality. I'll get some good ones of the corals and fish when I get the new tank built and move them over. I'm not going to miss cleaning coralline algae off the acrylic every few days.

More good news. I just got $125 gift card from Lowe's. Good timing there!

Built like a tank indeed! All the way punny :)
It looks great.
Replacement for the 125, or new addition?
This will be a replacement. I'm particularly excited by the extra depth I'll have to work with in this tank.

Been online all day today looking at lumber. I'm going to be stopping off at Lowe's this afternoon to pick up some supplies, Grainger to get some RTV 108, and my brother in law's to pick up his table saw. I've pretty much decided on how I want to skin the stand. I'm going to build the stand with red oak and mouldings in a style similar to the first picture. With 72" I will use three doors in the stand and canopy for access. I'm also going to split the canopy and use a piano hinge so I can raise the top when it gets hot this summer (or skip that and beg the wife to let me buy a chiller). I'm leaning towards a cherry stain with a low gloss polyurethane finish like the second pic but I could also see myself spraying it black like the first pic.

Anyway, I'm picking up razor blades, acetone, steel wool , and RTV 108 today so I can redo the interior seams. While I'm at Lowes I'll start looking at my wood choices.

This will be a replacement. I'm particularly excited by the extra depth I'll have to work with in this tank.

Been online all day today looking at lumber. I'm going to be stopping off at Lowe's this afternoon to pick up some supplies, Grainger to get some RTV 108, and my brother in law's to pick up his table saw. I've pretty much decided on how I want to skin the stand. I'm going to build the stand with red oak and mouldings in a style similar to the first picture. With 72" I will use three doors in the stand and canopy for access. I'm also going to split the canopy and use a piano hinge so I can raise the top when it gets hot this summer (or skip that and beg the wife to let me buy a chiller). I'm leaning towards a cherry stain with a low gloss polyurethane finish like the second pic but I could also see myself spraying it black like the first pic.

Anyway, I'm picking up razor blades, acetone, steel wool , and RTV 108 today so I can redo the interior seams. While I'm at Lowes I'll start looking at my wood choices.


Did you build the black stand and canopy? If so, it's really beautiful!
I really like the extra wide base around the bottom of the tanks in both pictures.
I get all excited when I see new builds, makes me want to start looking for a larger tank!
Looks like it's going to be a nice setup when your done.
Did the original owner ever say where he bought it?
No, the black stand and canopy aren't mine (I wish) but that is what I plan. I will put 3 doors on the front and also on the canopy but the moulding and style will be the same. Stopped off at Lowes on the way home and I think it's going to be Minwax Red Mahogany stain with Satin polyurethane so I get a low gloss finish. I want the style of the black tank and the color of the second one. Make sense?

Picked up razor blades, steel wool, acetone and RTV 108 and I'm in the process of pulling out the interior seams. The old stuff had some color from age and was peeling at a few of the edges. It was pretty thick in some spots too so I'm going to scrape off what I can with razor bladed and then use 0000 steel wool and acetone to get the residue. After that I'll mask the seams and put in new RTV adhesive. Hopefully I won't cut a finger off.

The previous owner bought the tank at a shop that went under so he couldn't call them but he said that he was pretty sure that it was a Glass Cages tank.

Well, it took 4 days and lots of elbow grease but I've got all the seams scraped clean. It went something like this...lots of razor blade scraping, acetone and steel wool, dizziness, more razor blades, more acetone, more dizziness, repeat... It turned out really nice though and will give me a clean surface to put down new RTV 108. Some before and after pics...


003.jpg the first pic you can see the residue line that marks where the RTV was.




That was a lot of hard work but I know it will look good when I'm done. Tomorrow I'll mask and put down fresh RTV. This weekend I'm going to do some serious cabinet building.

ahhh I had to go through that when my 270g cracked. I had to replace the whole bottom. Needless to say I got a good buzz after stripping out all the old silcone.
Hey... your beamer shrank! Got problems with my old 740i. Can't break the rear camber bolts and my rear tires are wearing bad on the inside. Oops wrong forum.

Those things are way up there. Use a 1/2 impact with an 8" extension and an impact wobblie. I always used a pry bar and watched the movements on the screen rather than using the supplied cams. Some of them I believe were strickly slotted and had no cam at all requiring it be help in place strictly with clamping force.
Got the new adhesive into the seams so the first pics aren't very sexy but here they are. I didn't mask the seams for this. I just put down a good bead and ran over it with my finger. It turned out very well I think. Not sure if the builder used a different adhesive or if it had become opaque with age but this RTV108 is really clear.





I've always like movies with gratuitous nudity and violence and those movies always seem to make a lot of money so I thought I'd post up a few pics of lumber and power tools. I've got the materials to build the canopy now. I'm using red oak for everything. I'm going to use a router to put a radius on all the edges and also do some work on the face of the doors. I'm using crown moulding to build a lip at the top of the stand and canopy. Take a look at the first two pics and you'll see what I mean. Anyway, on with the show...

Lumber was rain mixed with hail on the way home so some of the wood got wet. The oak has a nice reddish color to it and should look really good with cherry and a satin poly over it. I had a bunch of pieces lined up in the aisle and picked out the ones that had the closest match for color and grain. Another $150 dollars gone. About $275 into the canopy and stand so far.



And finally, power tools...



Tomorrow I start to cut and build. Yee haw!
Started the canopy today so I should have it built tomorrow and ready for sanding. So far so good. I haven't worked with wood since high school so I'm going nice a slow.

The canopy is framed, finally. I lost a day when I drove up to Everett in rush hour traffic to pick up a compressor, brad nailer, and table saw. Wasted trip though. When I got there and couldn't find the tools my brother-in-law remembered that he had stored them in our storage container. So, 2.5 hours wasted when the tools were about 10 minutes from the house. Oh well.

Anyway, the canopy frame is built. I ran into a few glitches right out of the gate but things came out nicely. So, pics of the canopy...







I'm going to put a 1/2" sheet of oak on top and split it with a hinge so I can prop it up when it gets warm. Once that's on I'll sand everything, add the moulding and finish the doors. I've got all the wood I need for the stand so this weekend I'm hoping to get everything done. Don't know if I'll get it stained by Sunday night but we'll see. I'm afraid that the stand will take a bit longer to build. I've got to get the cuts just right or else it won't fit together very well when I use the magnets to attach it to the stand. I'm glad I don't do this for a living.
