meters or probes?

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
p-town, WA
that is the question lol.
(romeo and juilet)...

I wanna be able to montior my tanks more closely and easier than testing weekly or monthly or even some ppls dailys.
Cost efficent is best. Should i get some hand held meters which ive never used or just get the controller and probes?
Thanks for the input
I have been 'not buying' a controller to replace my old ACIII in hopes this actually happens

since it would have ca and alk, not just pH, temp and conductivity.

In my opinion, just about everything they have probes for, I don't check often enough that the real time part matters. I mean, knowing how big you pH and temp swing is good, having an idea your salinity isn't drifting is good, but you have to DO things generally for those to change drastically, and real time isn't as important...
How about a Seneye Reef

Temperature- constantly monitors water temperature, so you can get an alert if your heater breaks or your chiller fails
Free Ammonia- monitors the highly toxic free ammonia (NH3) at very low levels, so you can stop your fish from dying from Ammonia posioning.
pH- the seneye monitors pH in your aquarium or pond water between 6.4 and 9. This range is ideal for most aquatic life and by focusing on this range increased accuracy has be achieved.
Water Level- readings are only taken when the seneye device is in water, no false readings.
LUX- monitors ambient LUX and can be used to take direct LUX readings, understand how your light degrade over time.
Kelvin- understand where on the kelvin range your lights are and how light can change over time.
PAR- monitor the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), understand if you have the correct quanity and quality of light for your corals or plants.
Yup not a controller but a monitor. I much r the seneye? We gave one away last yr I think at bm?! I deff don't want a prototype product. I try to let em work the bugs out even after they r released usually lol.
I can get a free Seneye, have $200 credit. Think I should? Only reason I haven't yet is I'd only want it for the light meter, and I'm not sure how accurate it really is.