Mixing shrimps

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I keep a couple of cleaners and a blood red in mine, but there is a major size difference. As with all marine critters, you just never know how they will react to one another. Hopefully someone a little more knowledgeable can help out here.
Which specific shrimp did you have in mind? Some will cohabitate just fine, others will make lunch food out of each other... :eek:

I've heard of people keeping a few shrimps together, but depends on the species. You'll be asking for trouble if you wanted to keep two coral bandit shrimps of the same sex in the same tank. Most shrimps I've seen that look happy together is in a dinner plate:D
Like Steve-S said it depends on the shrimp. I've also kept combinations of Cleaner, Coral Banded, Fire, and Pistols just fine. I'd be a little concerned about mixing crystal or sexy shrimp in with those bigger guys though. Anyone tried?
What about cleaners with true peppermints? Cleaners with Pedersen's anemone shrimp? Anyone have experience with these combos?
I brought a couple cleaners and a fire shrimps to start, they are doing well but I can't seem to add any more. I added a coral banded and the cleaners killed it. I added another fire shrimp a month later and it got kill too (I wish I would start out with a pair). I am thinking about getting 2 or 3 peppermints shrimps, hopefully more than one would makes a difference. Anyone experience with cleaners, fire and pepepermint all in the same tank?

Electrokate said:
What about cleaners with true peppermints? Cleaners with Pedersen's anemone shrimp? Anyone have experience with these combos?
Haven't had a problem with the first combo myself but I would be very wary of the second. That aside, the Pederson cleaner should be kept in very low flow tanks so they are not a great community addition. Might make for a good seahorse tank addition?

The one that seams to be more miss than hit is CBS's with pepps. Tank size has alot to do with it though.

I have a coral banded shrimp that tries to kill everything:cry: Including two pistol shrimp. It even caught my scooter dragonet and proceeded to remove it's side. Luckily we were watching.


Anyone want a CB shrimp?
I am setting up an anemone tank for both show and propagation, thought I would add some spotted or Pedersons anemone shrimp and already have the cleaners in there, hence the question. Can move the cleaners to the other tank but it's going to have peppermint(s). Might have to part with a shrimp or two :)
Electrokate said:
Can move the cleaners to the other tank but it's going to have peppermint(s). Might have to part with a shrimp or two
You shouldn't unless it's a small tank. Given enough "territory", these two species should play fine together.
