MJ mod in 30 gal too much? and a mj mod question

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Reef Padawan
Dec 2, 2004
Bellevue, wa
i'm thinking of adding a modded (yet to be done or even parts obtained) maxi jet to my 30 nano, i already have a seio 620 and a maxi 1200 going, trying to get some more flow, random too

also a question on creating random flow
if you modded the prop on a pump so that it one wing was bigger then the other, wouldn't this create a surge or less linear flow in a spiral like pattern? would this be good random if my thoughts are right or is it still too patterned for truely random flow
are you talking about making one of the three props bigger than the other two?? if so, wouldn't that create an off ballance motion and either not work or harm the MJ?
no, i mean one of the wings of a single prop, i'm thinking this might create forces out towards the sheild and mess up the pump, i'm refering to the mod on www.reefvideos.com, there is only one prop on that version though i've seen it with 3 props as u mention
Hmmm Interesting concept, not sure I'd try, risking a perfectly good MJ. I am curious to see if it would work without causeing dammage....
lol, ya they're great, one i found particularly interesting was the one about the fuge, with the feather duster sponge underneath idea, kinda want to try it, and using APAISTIA FOR BENEFIT, lol had to caps that, watch the video on the sump before asking about that, maybe i'll start a new thread discussing that
on the unbalance propeller as a student of physics (only in phys. 121 at bcc), it seems a bit risky since the imbalance propeller would move the center of mass off the axel, and perhaps cause more inward acceleration on one side. and like u said, it's a perfectly good maxijet right now
You may want to attach your seio or MJ to a WavySea or DIY Swirl for more random movement.

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what do you think of this

2 maxi 900's mod'ed plus something rated about 1000gph for the return

on that 150 i got sit'n

of maybe 2 mod'd maxi's and 2 regular
With changing the size/shape of one of the 3 ballanced "wings" of a propeller... you will cause an out of ballance condition and cavitation, soon resulting in disaster for your pump.
also a question on creating random flow
if you modded the prop on a pump so that it one wing was bigger then the other, wouldn't this create a surge or less linear flow in a spiral like pattern? would this be good random if my thoughts are right or is it still too patterned for truely random flow

If you think about it. A pump is just like an engine. The center shaft spins in a very tight circle with a centrafugal balance on one end. It needs to be balanced or it will wear unevenly and fail prematurely. A maxijet works the same way on a smaller scale. If you make the impeller out of balance it will likely cause the pump to vibrate real bad and wear out prematurely. I also think that it spins at such a high RPM that you probably not notice even a tiny bit of difference in flow

On another note. I just set up a standard 30G (36x12x16) and have a seio620 on one end and a maxijet 1200 on the other. I have both pointed at the surface to help cut down tubulance on the opposite ends of the tank. If I angle them differently I have more flow and turbulance than in my SPS tank with 40x turnover. Do you really need more flow for a LPS/softy tank?
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has to be ballanced for centrifugal celocity or will will literatry blow it self apart.

vilolently, or non violent unknown
you could put what ever you wanted on it tho.... bigger smaller more. in series.... but it would have to be ballanced first......

pritty eazy to ballance. all u need is one of those prop ballancers tools they have at hoby stores. for model airplanes, and helo's
In my 30g I had a MJ600 modded and a seio 620. That seems like good flow, the mod putting out considerably more flow (and more dispersed) than the seio.

Once I added a 300gph return from the sump, I felt there was too much movement for my poor maroon clown. I estimate that I was getting near 60x turnover. I turned off the Maxi-Stream and Still have pretty good movement.
Colleen, I originaly thought he was talking about three props in line....some people are adding more than one prop in series to get more flow....