More Clown Fish

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Apr 5, 2012
I have 2 Ocellaris Clownfish and 1 Six Line Wrasse. My clown are currently hosting a RBTA and a regular much smaller BTA. If we got a couple more anemones, would we be able to get 2 more clown fish with out them fighting it out? Our tank is 90 gallons.
Its possible. If the ones you have keep to one side of the tank, and you have an anemone at both ends, you could get away with keeping two pair in the tank. I have two pair in my 75 with no issues.

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Are your Ocellaris tank bred or wild caught? I have heard that one of the keys to keepiing multiple pairs of clowns it to have tank raised clowns. They tend to be much less aggresive.
They are tank raised, but they defend their 2 anemones aggressively. Their anemones are right next to each other on one side of the tank.
This is an old video, but these are my orange clowns and black clowns. They get along just fine. The orange ones host the big toadstool on the left and the black ones stay more to the right side of the tank. The orange ones will not let the black ones close to the toadstool, but they dont get aggressive about it. These were all captive breed.

Orange and Black Ocellaris Clown Pairs.wmv - YouTube
That's an awesome video. Is it easier for them to be 2 different kinds of clowns? Or does it not make a difference.