More Woodwork by Steve W.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2004
bowling green ky
Here is my latest stand and doors. Canopy to follow.
Red oak
two coats natural stain
three coats helmsman u.v. resitant outdoor poly.
sanded from 100 grit, to 150 to 220 to 320 to 400 then coated once then again then sanded 400 grit. One more coat to be added for a total of four.
interior in oil based garage floor paint. All seams siloconed and sealed.
Stand is 73 3/4" x 30 3/4" by 30" tall. The tank is 72" x 24" x 24"
Canopy will have a back strap covering extra 6" to make the tank look like its floating.
customer. I got one more to build then I can do mine, hopefully. Unless someone else wants one too.
I think the one I just did is going to want another one as well though, so maybe two untill I can do mine.
I am leaning pretty heavy to a 72" x 30" wide x 22" tall tank. Starphire front and sides. About 200 gallons but with a resonable foot print but with tons of width to aqua scape.
I have this idea to scape a tank with three ridges running long ways.
Like a Long tall one in the back
a broken middle one that is a little shorter but open in the middle of the tank
and a short one going all the way across the front of the tank.
It would give the fish a back lane a middle lane and a front lane to swim. It would also I think cut down on corals fighting and over growing each other.
That looks great Steve! Molding is a pain in the butt for sure. I struggle and spend alot money on wood trying to get them right. Great job man.
Cool! Sounds like a great plan! One of these days I'll get something big again, but I won't be going with anything less than a 6 footer unless it is a 5 foot by 5 foot cube!:D Can't wait to see the project all finished up. I'm sure the customer will be very pleased with it, if not, tell them to jump up your blah blah blah! :p

BTW, Why did the redneck walk his 6 year old son to school?

Because they were in the same grade!:D
customer will be very pleased with it, if not, tell them to jump up your blah blah blah!

Krish, i'm the customer .... i didn't know you wanted me to jump up some bla bla :lol: ..... just kidding.

By the way, where's my piece of cake dood.... Trinity save me some !!!! :p:D
Isn't her birthday on the second??? Hold on...What day is it???

planet earth calling Krish..... answer please !! :lol: :lol:

yeah dood today is the second :lol: where's my pony ride? :lol:
Thanks Ron. Thats all just 3/4 red oak. I have a nice little router table and it cuts it really well. I got a dewalt compound miter saw it makes almost perfect miters but they still have to be trimmed.
I learned a neat trick though. Cut every thing too big by a 1/8th then just kiss the blade with the wood till its perfect. Takes a bunch of test fits but the blade when cutting a hairs width off doesnt deflect at all.
The route work on the stand I did with it assembled. It makes it match alot better than table routing then assembling.
I also measure the smallest width of the wood pieces I get then rip every one a 32" smaller so they are exactly the same width. That helps alot cause that thirtysecond that one is bigger really shows up when the two piece are put together.
I'm a learning anyway. LOL
:oops: Yeah, I saw that! Tell Trinity I said Happy Birthday Steve! I'll have to call her tomorrow to wish her a belated:)
Yeah today is Trinitys forth birthday.
Her mom came by for a few minutes, just enough to make here cry, no present or nothing, then left. It sucks.
Its screwed up, shes got herself a new cell phone, new cloths, new purse, and jack crap for her daughter.
Her grandma, grandpa, and aunt kelly came by today.
We had BBQ brautwurst, corn, macoroni/ cheese, butter beans, blue/rasberry tea, and lemone cake. She picked dinner.
I got her a poly pocket carnival, it has a roller coaster, a ferris wheel, tea cups, a merry go round, and a bunch of other stuff. Mom got her a bunch of panties, socks, two shorts and shirts. Kelly got her the guess who game. I also got her floam but I am about to throw it away.
well there's always next time with her mom, besides she's got the best uncle/dad whatelse could you ask for ;) .

We had BBQ brautwurst, corn, macoroni/ cheese, butter beans, blue/rasberry tea, and lemone cake. She picked dinner

aahh shh!! hungry here !! i love Brauts.
I'm glad she got tons of presents and don't worry about the floam.... just when she's asleep go hide it :p .
wrightme43 said:
Cut every thing too big by a 1/8th then just kiss the blade. I'm a learning anyway. LOL

Ok I tried kissing the blade this morning. Does it have to be running for this to work? I still screw my piece up. LOL

You are doing a great job. I wish I could learn as fast as you :)
Detri said:
Ok I tried kissing the blade this morning. Does it have to be running for this to work? I still screw my piece up. LOL

You are doing a great job. I wish I could learn as fast as you :)
LOL well its probley best. LOL
I got those frued 80t blades with the really thin kerf. They make great cuts but the deflection is noticable.
Thank you very much.