Movin on up....

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005
Im getting ready to upgrade from my 55 to a 75 glass tank. Currently I have a mag7 return through a SCWD with outlets in both back corners of the tank. I had an over the back closed loop powered by a mag5, but that pump literally melted on me. For the time being Im using a maxijet1200. Since I am getting a new tank and my pump let go on me, Im redesigning the closed loop. This is the pump that I am considering. Im up for suggestions on pumps as well. This is a mixed reef so i dont need to go with a ton of flow. the pump has to be very quiet as it is in my living room. ok now the main reason for this topic, Im looking for suggestions on output placement. I was thinking maybe one outlet centered in the rear of the tank about 3 inches down or so, split into (2) outlets. One problem i have to work around is my HOB overflow as the tank is not RR. hopefully that is enough info to get some ideas nice pun..

here'a a fairly recent pic. I imagine in the 75 i will have it aquascaped about the same...


when I do the new closed loop the 2 SCWD outputs will have 45° elbows on them and will be pointed along the back wall of the tank
Here's a bump on the pump recommendations...

Regarding output placement, are you talking about the return being the center output mentioned above? Then designing the closed loop around that? I'm having trouble thinking tonight...the wheel is turning, but I think the hamster is dead :rolleyes:

Looks like a tear down and set-up party at your house soon! You don't have any fish that will jump at me do you? :lol: BTW - your tank looks awesome!
NaH2O said:
Here's a bump on the pump recommendations...

Regarding output placement, are you talking about the return being the center output mentioned above? Then designing the closed loop around that? I'm having trouble thinking tonight...the wheel is turning, but I think the hamster is dead :rolleyes:

Looks like a tear down and set-up party at your house soon! You don't have any fish that will jump at me do you? :lol: BTW - your tank looks awesome!

Yes Im thinking of having the CL return being in the center of the tank about 3-4" down from the top. Probably gonna use an input similar to what Hooked has on her cube. The return will be very similar to hers as well. I dont have any pics of her cube, do you Nikki?

As soon as I get the tank from DM, which should be soon and I get the tank drilled and pump bought I will gladly accept any help.

Thanks for the kind words on the tank. Except for the pump melting, the whole setup including the stand I built has turned out just like I pictured it in my head a lil over a year ago..


Only fish right now is my cinnamon clown...he wont jump but he will tag your hand if you get close to HIS rbta
Are you drilling it for the drains to the sump? If so, are you going to bring the return from the sump over the top, or are you going to drill a hole for the sump return, as well? I don't have a pic of Kat's cube, and I'm trying to remember how we plumbed it. I know she has the Sea Swirl return in the center of the tank, then I think she has the closed loop on a "Y" with a couple of fans, but is it in the center? I think you are going to have to spread out your outputs a bit more, as your tank will be longer than her cube. Is there much flow restriction with the SCWD?
No, I have a hang on overflow box. (I'll show you one someday since you dont know what that is lol) All I will be drilling for is the closed loop input and return(s). If you look in the pic you can see the overflow box on the right side at the top. And I f I remember correctly the SCWD restriscts flow by 25% or more. Which is fine. I have the overflow direct feeding my skimmer and after all is said and done I think i have about 350 gph through the skimmer( purely guessing)

I may go with two outputs. Only thing is Im afraid to drill the tank low, Im paranoid about leaks
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Hiya Willy!! Congrates on the upgrade.

On the Closed loop I would go for two outputs that are on the sides, closer to the front glass, this way you can get a nice flow sweeping across the front of the tank. From thier I would go with at least two outputs on the bak wall (3 would be better). If you go two I would have them fairly centered and about 8 inches apart with either one blowing to the outputs of the side mount units. If you go three then one dead center blowing towards the front.
As per a pump, it would be nice to go with a mag drive style but truely I dont like using them out of the water. I would look to a ampmaster 2100 or simular, they are fairly quite and by the time you make the manifold and have reduced outputs your flow should be around 1400 to 1500 gph

I appreciate the input. I think I will end up going with 3 outputs along the back of the tank. Id hate to drill the sides as both of my tanks' sides are visible and I really dont want to have the plumbing visible. I may be able to go up and over the top to get some ouputs to the front. I'll be building a canopy soon, that would hide the plumbing...
I was thinking more of an along the top type of manifold. Then you could just pop into the water a little bit. I didnt know you didnt have a canopy.

no canopy yet but that is coming soon along with some new lighting :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: oh yeah baby ...what tax return :D :D I think an along the top manifold would work well, im guessin ball valves at each output to control flow??
Willy - I think a top manifold will be really nice for the side ouputs.

Mike - Do you know if Dolphin is changing their ampmaster series? Seems like the bigger online vendors don't carry the 2100 anymore, and the smallest is the Amp 2700. I've checked Premium Aquatics, Marine Depot and Custom Aquatics. I did see a 2100 at another vendor, but I'm not sure if there was something wrong with the ampmaster pumps and they redesigned them or ??? I've never had an issue with my Amp 3000, but thought I'd ask.
Yeah I think bringing the side inputs over the top and 3 across the back should get some nice flow going..wooohooo more plumbing:razz: as for the 2100 if its as quiet as Nikki's 3000, i think that will work just fine and give me mo flo. Right now with just a maxijet 1200 blasting one area and the mag 7 through the SCWD its just not what i want.

How many inputs should I give the Amp2100 if i go that route? Id really like to keep all the inputs and outputs high in the tank incase of me paranoid

Thanks for the advise and ideas, much appreciated

been thinking about this a bit. should I upsize the intake plumbing to the pump and use 2 intakes? i think I will get the ampmaster 2100 and it is 1½" intake and 1½" output

also trying to figure out how to do the output manifold ??? 3 outputs along the back of the tank and 2 over the top to the front either one on each side OR both across the center brace going opposite one another...
Hmmm - I pictured the outputs on the sides at the top, and not in the center. I wonder if you would get better coverage doing it that way, instead of from the center brace? I would do 2 intakes, as I really like how it lessens the draw from only one (snails can travel across my intakes)....but we'll see what the mojo says... :)