Moving corals ?

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Bring on the FISH!
Jul 8, 2008
Spokane Valley, WA.
What kind of corals do we have available to the hobby that actively move like the xenia? I’m not talking about something that responds to the touch. I’m looking for corals that actually move all the time.


Corals of the Fungia group are capable of moving. By inflating and deflating their tissue, they can move along the substrate and even climb up rocks. Xenia, as you've mentioned, can kind of move, by grasping onto rocks, attaching and then breaking off their old attachment, as a way of spreading themselves. As far as truly moving around, I think Fungia are the only corals capable of this. I've had Fungia plate coral move, all the way from one end of my old 46 bowfront, to the other end, overnight.
I guess my questions was not clear as the movement. What I am asking is what other corals move like the pulsing xenia in the two videos I posted. I know some corals can move around but just moving actively like the pulsing xenia is what I was wondering about.
I am pretty sure that all of my corals move daily, as in all my LPS during the day flesh out, and then at night all of their feeders come out. Not quite as noticable as the Xenia but still movement. I love to watch them feed.