moving fish

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Nov 7, 2007

In anticipation of a move not too far off in the distance I have started giving my fish away to good homes and started sell off my tanks and equipment. So here is the problem.

The last tank that I am keeping fully running and stocked until I move out of state. The vital stats are
220 gallon display
150 sump (I sold the 300 sump)
100 x circulation
12 inch body custom skimmer (huge)

Large. moorish idol
medium regal angel
Medium potter angel
Medium\smallish copperband butterfly

But in the sump I have a 6 inch porc puffer.

So here is the problem. I have a leftover 3.5 inch juvenile emp angel and a 4 inch saddleback butterfly and only one of them is being kept. So which one would be better to put vin the display? The only history I have is of the saddleback. He was in the display a while back but I had to move out because due to aggression to the copperband so I am afraid that may develop again.
Considering the history, I think you're better off putting the Juv Emp in the display. IF the Emp is still of the "Juv" mindset, it will be fine and so will the other Angels. Juv Large Angels are usually oblivious to most other fishes, including Angels.

If you know your Juv Emp is bothering other fishes, then I'd chance the Saddleback with the backup being to remove either the Saddleback or CBB if they don't get along.
The emp is very well mannered at this point. He is in a tank with several fish and he is the shy of them all. I will try the angel, thanks Lee for your advice! BTW are you still wandering around Europe?
Just returned home. Been awake now for 27 hours straight. Time to sleep. :)

If I move in the emp angel he may very well get along. But you mention his juvenile attitude. So will it matter if he grows up and matures along with the idol, regal, copperband, and potter then he will likely remain friendly with them as he matures or is it just a matter of time before he just changes personality and gets beligerant with them no matter how long they have been in the same tank?

And if this was your tank would you move in the small emp angel for the next 6-12 months or is the tank better left underpopulated given the touchiness of the current residents? (they are all well acclimated and feeding with gusto and growing larger constantly)
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Every move and change of environment is a stress on the fish. I believe that the longer the fish are captive, the less acceptable they are to such changes -- It's almost as if the 'tame fish' loses some of its adaptability. Thus, I'd leave things alone for that short of time.

I've seen many of the captive Large Angels transition to full adult markings and remain pretty much the same relationships with their 'old' tank mates. Exceptions to this are usually how they relate to other Large Adult Angels. Other than this group, they don't even 'see' the other fishes! :)

Being fed properly goes a long way with the Large Angels, plus I believe there is still something we don't quite know about them which will help us extend their lives in captivity. Although I have to admit that what I believe to be a major factor to their short captive lifespan is the small space they are kept in -- the larger being the better.