Moving help

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2012
mount vernon
Just found out tonight we need to move. :(
my question to all of you is what is a good way to get a 55 plus sump fuge to the new house.
I have moved a 20 before from someone to my house but never trying to pack up a tank and move it 15 miles from here without having a tank setup at the new place.
Any advice or tips would be awesome
im really not wanting to start all over or get rid of anything.
just put all the rocks in buckets. then fish in buckets. see about a large water container (someone here might have one to borrow) and pump most of the water in the container. then plumbing.when you get it there you go reverse order. but right when you get there have a small pump and heater in with the fish. then start the reset-up. hope this helps.
I would setup a couple temporary tanks ( borrowed/loaned) with powerheads, heaters, maybe a small amount of live rock, in the new place.
I used a bare tank with a heater and powerhead to house my fish and a kids swimming pool, with a heater and a couple powerheads, to hold my corals when I moved everything from my old 180 over to the new 240.
The rock was housed in a couple stock tanks.
I left everything in the temp housing for 2 days, until I got the new tank plumbed and setup exactly like I wanted it. No big hurry.
Move all the corals, rock, fish and all the water you can save from the current tank, in buckets, all at once to the new place.
Maybe even do a big water change the day before the move and save the old water.
If you plan it out, it can be fairly stress free.
I have used totes for rock and corals. Then when you get to the new place use some heaters and power heads to keep the stuff alive while you setup the display. I have a 10 and a 20 gal tank you could barrow but your alittle far from me.
Do as mercenary grunt said. Thats how i did it. I jad to break down and move my 215g 13 milesmiles across town with corals fish sump/fuge as well as find out if i could borrow my dads truck and car trailer. Just be prepared for a loss or 2. I had a 55g i moved from bremerton to the south end of port orchard. Drive smooth as possible so the water doesnt slosh around to bad also! I used coolers, like for camping, buckets, and my lfs let me borrow some big buckets.
You can get a couple large rubbermaid tubs and set them up at the new house with a powerhead and heater in each. A sponge filter in the one for the fish would be good but you can actually put some rock in that tub for some bacterial filtration that would work for a day or two.
Move all water, rock/coral and fish to the tubs in the new house. 5 gal buckets are the easiest to move it all in. You can even hook a light unit up over the tub with the coral. I would also put two power heads in that tub.
This would give you time to move the tank, set it up then move the water and rock in from the one tub, then move the water and fish in and top it off with fresh made saltwater.

If your keeping and reusing the sand in your tank, you will want to rinse it in fresh RODI water VERY GOOD, so that your not putting too much crap back into the tank.
Ok awesome guys. Thank you I have a basic idea what to.
I do have another 20 gallon I can do the fish in and get a by tote for my rock. Get everything situated and throw them into their old home.
My PC light for my twenty isn't going to hold up my corals for very long so cross your fingers for me it goes smooth and I don't lose anything.
Most corals can go days without light.
Maintain water quality and current and temp and everything should go fine.
Just make sure nothing gets in the buckets or totes when they are just sitting waiting for the tank setup. My son dropped a teddy bear in the tote I had all my nices SPS in while I was setting up the new tank a few years ago and I didn't know till the next morning and it killed all my SPS. Something in the material like soap or something.
A good trick I used to move is not to feed your fish the day before your move. This will help with them making too much waste while in transit. It will annoy your fish though.

Sorry for the late reply, I just saw this :oops: