Moving tank

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
Kent WA
Has anyone ever moved an established tank from one room to another where there should be better support from the floor? My girlfriend and I are buying a home, and plan to be out of the place we're in by Feb. I've bent and sagged the floor where the tank sits now cause I was paralleling one floor joists (what was I thinking?). I was afraid that moving the whole tank to another room (perpendicular to the joists), and then doing it again a few months down the road would be to hard on the animals. Any thoughts? I have a contractor coming out to look at the place here within the hour. My other thought was to break down the tank and just wait till we moved altogether, I would need to find a home for my critters in that case. This has been the most stressful part of owning this tank, surprisingly it hasn't been the cost LOL!
Hey, if this contractor is not familiar with aquaruims and load structure or you're not comfortable with him at all shoot a pm to Duane (trido) past pres. of PSAS as he and his brother are contractors very familiar with this scenario. I'd think with adequate access to floor joists below they could jack-up and scab (double-up) additional joists to fully support your tank without moving it.

Just my .02, Todd
I did move my tank to another room about 6-8 months ago. I put all the corals in tubs and buckets and drained just enough water that I could move it and leave the fish in the tank. It did stress the tank and I did have a couple SPS corals that didn't make it. I think it might have been that they got too cold durring the move, I did't have enough heaters to heat everything (but I rotated around heaters) and I couldn't keep all the water I removed, so I was delayed waiting for my RODI unit to produce new water. So it took me several hours to complete. It was a pain, but I had to do it.

I think you should wait and see what the contractor says.
I agree with Todd.

I would think you could at least temporarily support it for 5-6 months. Since your moving anyway. Then you only have to stress your tank once.
The contractor didn't seem to think that there was much of an issue. He did notice that the floor around the tank was depressed about 1/8th of an inch and was leaning a little back towards the wall. He thought that the few 4X4's that I had placed under the tank would prevent a failure of the floor, and didn't think it was worth doing work. I'll see if I can get a second opinion cause I don't want to loose anymore sleep over it.
If you have access to the floor joists you can double up the bent joists to easily fix the problem. Jack, glue screws and a new joists is all you need.