MP40 flow for my tank

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Keeper of the algae
Jul 8, 2008
Spanaway, WA
Im thinking about getting a MP40 for my 90 gallon. My question is can just one do a good job or will I have to pair it off with like a K4? I would like to get two but I can only do what my money will let me for the time. Lets get some ideas going here. Is it worth my time and money just for one or should I hold off and and try to save my money and get two of them. Or will just one work fine. And if one will not work will one and a K4 work. Share your thoughts on this. Oh yeah my tank has alot of SPS, and LPS in it. Granted they are mostly frags but they are growing in.
I have the Mp40 and a k4 in my 75 and its plenty of flow. You would just want to have the Mp40 turned up 3/4 of the way most of the time. And when in pulse mode have shorter spurts between pulses. As long as you dont have a whole bunch of rock that would interupt the flow going from one side to the other you shouldnt have any problems.
When you have the Money get another mp40 but i wouldnt be in any hurry.
It all depends on your rockwork. I have one MP40 on my 80 cube and it is fine. Would a second one be better...sure, but having 12 of them in there would be even better yet...but that isn't going to happen.

If you have a lot of rock and it blocks the flow (or better stated deflects it) then you will probably need some additional means of flow. If your rockwork is fairly open then the MP40 puts out a lot of flow and it will travel a long ways in the tank.
I have an mp40 and a K3 in a 65g. Lots of rocks and corals crowding each additional k3 really helps with flood in the back wall behind rockwork.
Put the one in there now and play with the different wave settings until you find something that your inhabitants seem to like. You may find that one is enough. In the mean time, keep saving your coins and if you decide to add another one later you can. That's the beauty of the wireless setup. You can set up 2, 3, 4, 5, etc as slaves to the first pump and they'll all get along. For what it's worth, I have two on my 125 and they're great. I have them in Reef Crest mode, anti-sync, and the flow in the tank has never been better. Expensive toys but I'm happy and the wife is over the shock of the credit card receipt.
