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shirley knott

Active member
May 20, 2005
what are the minimum conditions for keeping these?

my tank is only 2 months old, has 340L, fijian rock, 2 clowns and a firefish, plus shrimps and various hermits & snails.

any tips gratefully received. the mushrooms (?discosoma spp?0 seem very beautiful but presumably there is also a downside.

mushrooms are a pretty hardy, endemanding coral. They range form liking low light to high light. They don't like real high flow, but will tolerate it. No problems with low flow.

The only real downside to mushrooms is that they spread (some faster than others). If you plan to keep just mushrooms then you might want to test for iodine and do the research on it. Some say it helps with the mushrooms, so say no. I don't have first hand experience to speak to that.

Good luck with it.

Oh! And welcome to Reeffrontiers..good to see some of our friends from across the pond on here.
If you can keep a fish and shrimp alive and happy, you can keep most mushrooms alive I believe. Lighting shouldn't be any concern as I think they even grow in cave like areas. I could be wrong, but Im sure any aqua lighting will be fine.
All mushrooms that I am aware of that we get shipped in frequently are going to want higher lighting than the standard bulbs or even double strips on your tank. If you're planning on adding more corals you might as well upgrade to power compact bulbs and get 3-4 watts per gallon. That way you'll be able to do xenias and zoanthids, two other fairly easy corals. Iodine is also going to be a must with softies.
but if you only have 2 mushrooms in a tank the iodine will be fine and changing 15-20% of the water every other week will replace what they will use untill you get more into the tank you can also observe them if they are open wide there happy if closed and shriveled look for too much water flow or a change in light intensity or a water change or temperature hope that helps :)
My experince with mushrooms is this. Some will thrive under one normal output flor bulb, some under two, some under vho, some under pc, and others will just love being in shadows under M.H. bulbs. In my opinon it is not the type of bulb that determines if a mushroom will grow. It is placement in relation to that bulb. I.E. two inches from a m.h. will kill them just as dead as 30 inchs from a 15 watt N.Output flor tube. If you use some common sense you will be able to keep mushrooms just fine anywhere you have a thriving shrimp. What I am saying is if you have live rock stacked halfway up the tank or better and only one tube, center it up under the light as high as you can get it. The reds in my opinion seem to do very well in low light. If you have a powercompact light anywhere in the tank will work, vhos the same. There really are no hard and fast rules in this business. When anyone ever tells me that I must do it this way or I will fail, I politely nod my head and ignore them. I have kept longterm under p.c. lighting acros, clams, and anemone. Healthy and doing well. Now I have 2x250watt M.H. and I like them better but I was told by some that it was impossible to do what I did. Iodine is completly unnescesary additive in my mind. I never add what I do not have a test kit for. Try not to let the pet store folks sell you a bunch of additives unless you know you need them by comparing natural saltwater levels of elements with your tank enviroment. They are not bad people, they just have to make money and selling stuff that costs $3 for $10 is a great way to do it. HTH Steve
so, can any of you guys trade me a seeded stone, ala pieces+stones+net method i read about, for something i have that you want?

pm me or suggest something wanted for a return trade :rolleyes: