My 125g first fish

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Oct 11, 2005
:) My tank has been set-up for about 6 weeks. I added 70lbs of live rock on the 22 of October. I really didn't have much of a cycle. Most of my live rock came from an established tank. I put cocktail shrimp in for 4days and only got an ammonia reading of 5.0. After a few days a I had a small nitrite reading, then everything went to 0. The lfs told me to wait 2 weeks and if everything is still 0 i could add fish slowly. I put 2 tank raised false clowns and 3 green chromis in on Nov,11. One of the green chromis died on the third day. He never really came out from behind the rocks. The other fish are all fine so far. I am keeping a close eye on my readings cause the small cycle has me a little nevrous. My readings for ammonia and nitrite are still 0. On the 11th the lfs tested my nitrates and he used one of those stick things and my nitrates were the first shade of pink. He said that was great. I haven't been able to get the swing of testing mt nitrates yet. I have the liquid master test kit. It has a few different things that have to be done just right or your test won't come out with the correct reading. I must do something wrong cause I have never gotten a reading,that is why I am having the lfs test the water too. I have my fingers crossed. :rolleyes:
Good luck with getting everything worked out. I see this is your second post so I just wanted to say welcome to RF!
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! Hope you enjoy it here!

Sounds like you are on your way to a great tank. What are your plans for it (stocking list, fish, corals, etc)? What kind of equipment do you have?

You'll get the hang of the testing. I personally like Salifert test kits. They are easy to use, and easy to read the results, IMO.
I love new setups. Yours sound awesome!

I'm afraid of new setups too...especially if i do one..since space isn't really there... :rolleyes:

- Ilham
If the Master Liquid test you are referring to is from Aquarium Pharmeceuticals, the Nitrate test barely works. The only time I have seen it remarkably change is when the Nitrates are over 100ppm. Salifert does make really good tests instead.