My 29 gallon Oceanic BioCube

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2006
Spokane, Washington
After upgrading to my 180 gallon tank, I realized that I still missed having a smaller tank. I was sitting here at my home office doing work and realized how stressed out I was. I thought, "hey, I bet a small reef tank on my desk would help me be a little less stressed while working." Ya, ya, ya I have an addiction to this hobby.

I was looking at 14 gallon BioCubes. I thought that would be the perfect size for my desk. Then, a good deal on a used 29 gallon BioCube popped up. My now friend Jesse was selling it. I could not come up with the entire amount he was selling it for, so I did a partial trade in corals. I think I gave him 10 or so frags and mini colonies of acans and a couple other things. He was gracious enough to take the trade. It came with the BioCube skimmer, pump, heater, stand, and thermometer. It was a great deal. I picked up the tank in my little Mitsubishi car. I guess he found it funny and laughed about it for 4 days. :oops:

I am so glad I have the tank. It has helped me a lot while I am doing work. I can feel my stress level come down while looking at my fish.

After tank sitting for Jesse's home aquarium, I knew I had to get a little goby. He has the cutest black clown goby. I ended up getting a yellow clown goby, 2 true percula clowns, and a 1 spot tail blenny for the tank.

In my 180 my yellow headed jawfish disappeared. I looked everywhere for the little guy. I looked in the 2 overflows 2 separate times and could not see him. I also went in the basement, where the sump is located, took out the extra rocks to try and find him. Nothing! An entire month passed. I went downstairs one night to top of the sump and all of a sudden he jumps straight up out of the water when he sees me. This was a last ditch effort for the little guy. He was completely emaciated. :( I quickly grabbed him and put him back in the display. My stupid clown fish decided they did not want him in the display tank anymore and harassed him. So I quickly netted him up and put him in my BioCube. His name is now Lucky! He is still recovering with a couple of torn fins, but he is fat and very happy in this tank. It always saddens me when I lose a fish or coral, and I was so happy to see him.

Pics to follow....After upgrading to my 180 gallon tank, I realized that I still missed having a smaller tank. I was sitting here at my home office doing work and realized how stressed out I was. I thought, "hey, I bet a small reef tank on my desk would help me be a little less stressed while working." Ya, ya, ya I have an addiction to this hobby.

I was looking at 14 gallon BioCubes. I thought that would be the perfect size for my desk. Then, a good deal on a used 29 gallon BioCube popped up. My now friend Jesse was selling it. I could not come up with the entire amount he was selling it for, so I did a partial trade in corals. I think I gave him 10 or so frags and mini colonies of acans and a couple other things. He was gracious enough to take the trade. It came with the BioCube skimmer, pump, heater, stand, and thermometer. It was a great deal. I picked up the tank in my little Mitsubishi car. I guess he found it funny and laughed about it for 4 days. :oops:

I am so glad I have the tank. It has helped me a lot while I am doing work. I can feel my stress level come down while looking at my fish.

After tank sitting for Jesse's home aquarium, I knew I had to get a little goby. He has the cutest black clown goby. I ended up getting a yellow clown goby, 2 true percula clowns, and a tail spot blenny for the tank.

In my 180 my yellow headed jawfish disappeared. I looked everywhere for the little guy. I looked in the 2 overflows 2 separate times and could not see him. I also went in the basement, where the sump is located, took out the extra rocks to try and find him. Nothing! An entire month passed. I went downstairs one night to top of the sump and all of a sudden he jumps straight up out of the water when he sees me. This was a last ditch effort for the little guy. He was completely emaciated. :( I quickly grabbed him and put him back in the display. My stupid clown fish decided they did not want him in the display tank anymore and harassed him. So I quickly netted him up and put him in my BioCube. His name is now Lucky! He is still recovering with a couple of torn fins, but he is fat and very happy in this tank. It always saddens me when I lose a fish or coral, and I was so happy to see him.

Pics to follow....
I forgot to add that I have a baby BTA anemone that moved under a rock. I moved my powerhead to try and get it to move, but it is still under the rock in the same spot. Anyone have any ideas?
One more letter and you may have exceeded the number of characters allowed for a single post! J/K :lol:. You seem very stoked about the new tank!! I cant wait to get water in my little 10 gal nano!! Hopefully this weekend I'll have something to look at as well! :D Good luck with the stress relief! Looking forward to seeing some pics :)
LOL. I know huh? Sorry.:cry: I have a passion for these reefs. I would love to make aquaculture my career somehow. Or helping preserve our oceans.

I know what you mean... Living on an island 21x7 with the ocean out of almost every window, I never took it for granted. I love the ocean and would be in it if I could snorkeling or whatever all day. Nothing more peaceful to me. :)

on the long post, was just messing with ya:p
It was very exciting to find him. I was so happy! Here are a couple of pictures as promised. I still do not know how to take good pictures with my camera. I just have a Kodak Easyshare.

I have a green birdsnest in here and I think my clown goby has been killing it. =( I think I am going to have to transfer it over to the other tank. I saw him nipping the polyps today.

Here is Lucky! Look at the stomach on him! He has come a long way since being so skinny. I thought for sure he was going to die. =(


My two Percula clowns.


My anemone that will not come out. =( What can I do?


My clown goby and his half dead birdsnest. =(


Mini carpet anemone


The blenny.

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I was not born near the ocean, but as a little girl I went to Lincoln city in Oregon. I got to hold sea stars, cucumbers, and touch the anemones. Since then, I have always wanted to work with sea life. I must have been about 8 years old. There is a cool course at Oregon State Community College that I would love to take. Aquarium Science. Seems interesting to me. Very basic at first, but it gets more advanced.

All us local people should start our own aquaculture facility!:D That would be awesome!
Did you end up changing the lighting under the hood? Looks great so far. make sure to take a whole tank shot. I miss my old biocube. Treat it well. I also hope your anemone comes out to play. does it come out for a little while and then hide? or does it hide ALL the time?
I am using a 20" Sunpod for the cube. I really like the sunpod. A very cool little fixture. I will take a whole tank shot when things look a little nicer. Don't worry, I will treat it well.

The nem was out at first, now it went under the rock that is of course holding most of the other rocks together. I just got done feeding it. It was a little shriveled, so I am starting to worry. =(
You are lucky Krish! :) What I would give to live where you do! I know you were messing with me. No worries my man. ;)

Haha!! Sounds good!! :) Yea, living here has its benefits, but like almost any place, it isn't perfect. I still love it though!! :D

On the anemone, too bad they aren't like other corals that you can put where you want them and they stay there. Un-fortunately, they tend to move to a spot in the tank where they are most comfortable with the conditions in terms of flow and lighting. Give him some time though...:)
Krish, yes it would be great if the anemone would stay where I want it! LOL. Or at least where I could see it. Can't wait to see your 10 gallon up. =)

Dawgwe1, thank you very much! Make sure to post your pictures of your build. I should have started from the beginning.

Dieden, I will get a FTS up soon. =)
I am extremely sad. Last night I left my acrylic top off my tank for a couple of hours....I went to feed my fish, and my jawfish was on the floor. I feel so awful. He went through all of that crap not eating in the sump, to dying on my floor. He was still wet so it had not been long. I tried to revive him...nothing. RIP Lucky. I love you.
I am extremely sad. Last night I left my acrylic top off my tank for a couple of hours....I went to feed my fish, and my jawfish was on the floor. I feel so awful. He went through all of that crap not eating in the sump, to dying on my floor. He was still wet so it had not been long. I tried to revive him...nothing. RIP Lucky. I love you.

Sorry to hear...:doubt:. I know the feeling. I once had an arowana when I was into freshwater, which I got from a baby still having his yolk salk attached to him. He was about 3 inches long when I got him and one morning I looked in the tank and couldn't find him. I knew he couldn't be hiding as he was now almost a foot long and then I found him, on the floor dead. Sucked! :(
we should start a lost pearly headed jawfish support group. Sorry to hear about your carpet surfer. Hope your tank is doing well besides that. any full tank shots? Merry Christmas!
:cry::cry::cry: Thank you Krish. I am sorry to hear about your arowana. That must have been extremely sad for you. We sure do get attached to our fish. I had some jerk tell me that fish don't feel pain and they don't have personalities. I read a very interesting article in the Reef Aquarium Magazine that proves my thoughts completely on the subject. He is in a band with my fiance. Needless to say, he is definitely not someone I want to associate with. He continued to be a jerk to me and letting me know my love for my fish was stupid. At least my reef friends here understand. Thank you for the support.

:cry: Hi Jesse. Yes, we should. I guess you never found yours. I'm sorry. :( Sucks. I had a nice strong drink that night. I still feel awful about it. I did a water change tonight and cleaned the tank up a bit. I will get a full tank shot up soon. I need to get a replacement jawfish or possibly a goby with a shrimp. This tank has turned into acan land. I need to sell some frags. Merry Christmas to you as well. How are your tanks doing?