my cleaner killed my clam?????

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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
yes I have never heard of such b.s. but I found him last night under the bottom of the clam having chowder w/o inviting me I would have brought butter any one had this happen oh and yes he ate a hole krill the night b4
Cleaner shrimp?
if so they are known for irritating clams but I have never heard of one eating a calm, unless the clam was already dead....

well u know the muscel area under it the area were they try to attach with he eat that clean throu till I could see the gills of the clam from the back side he isnt all the way dead yet wont open all the way and is slow reaction to shadows
not uncommon, my cleaners gang up on my snails and feast on them after they pull them from their shells. They took my queen conch out last week
Hope Not, I have a large red striped cleaner and he seems like he may be just a little agressive towards, pepermint shrimp, he forcefully rapes the yellow watchman goby, the goby does not seem to be willing but lets him do it anyhow. Hopefully the clam is fast and strong enough to at least protect himself. Who knows maybe the clam will eventually win the battle and bust of the shrimps front legs.