my diy dual air skimmers,

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dont get it
Oct 21, 2004
puyallup , tacoma
i made these . they work great.
they are driven by 2 hydroponic air pumps, cheap! and all the water going in come from the overflowing water, about 2800 gallons a hour.
in my wood sump i also made. runing my 500gallon , soon to be 900gallons.
thanks for looking :)
Looks neat coralseas! have you had the running yet? if so how are they doing for ya. The only thing I would watch for is the amount of water runnng through them, 2800 makess it go pretty quick.

it dose seem like a lot of water.mike u gave me the idea.
it has bin going for 2and a haf months, it seem like the far skimmer skims thiner black slime and the closer one seems to skim real thick slime.
so some small food was getting through. so i aded one small clown to each skimmer section. it seems to be working great.
Yea I remember the conversation, its good to see it in practice, definately saves on having another pump on the system. Dont worry to much about the color or consistancy, organics are not always dark.

Coralseas!What about some pictures and descriptions of the skimmer! Im in the process of building one but can't seem to have the direction on what to build. I'm shopping for available materials at the moment and as soon as everything's complete I'll build on the on the cup and the body and try different systems!It will help if I can learn from your skimmer!Thanks!

hong kong, nice
first, it has a body neck and cup,
its about the bodys about 24 inches tall , it is a in sump style skimer , so there is no bottome on it, it sit about 2 inches off the bottom,the neck is about4 inches tall and the cup is about 5 inches, with neck about 2inches up into the cup, 4 small holes in top for air flow,
i used 1.5 inche tube for in water. the hole is drilled about 2/3 down the body,
and air stone are about 2 inches under the in water hole, use fine pore air stones,
in the fourm there is a skimmer work shop. use that for most of the work,i use hordiculture air pump, one on each skimmer , each skimmer has 4 three inche air stones , and values for each stone to control skimming highth.\
good luck.
i do think they work great, i have to empty the funk every few days , dark thick funk
thanks for your intrest,
u may want to look at mojos skimmer
the big dady of air skimmers
Thanks!I have gone thru Mikes design a couple of times as well as the other masters, really they have great designs!This are very tall skimmers for big spaces.I have a limited space so I would also like to learn the performance of skimmers such as yours which is more or less similar dimension with what I have in mind.

You have mention that input is coming from the overflow.Is this being regulated as it comes in the skimmer?Or somewhere else.Do 100% of water from the overflow pass thru the skimmer or certain amount of water goes thru directly to the sump?
Can you please describe the flow and control of water as it comes in and out of the skimmer.

Thanks for taking time to answer my queries.

each skimmer sits in ist own box , the tube come from the overflows , in to the body of the skimmers , the water highth is ragulated by a 1.5 gatevaulve, on the outside of each box.
hey joey are there a lot of salt water suff like corals and fish, there? i know the eat all sorts of seafood.
i hope my skimmers help u with yours , make sure to look at skimmer work shop ,
Doug!That is helpful thanks! They have plenty of soft coral here but a limited variety of SPS. I have yet to see more color variety of SPS.What is very nice here is that supply just keeps coming so you should visit you LFS regularly at least ones a week!he2 Better yet a more frequent visit than that like what I do!Fish!wow they all have it here!One thing cool about HK is that the LFS are located mostly in just one street Tung Choi St in Prince Edward Station in case ur visiting HK.Otherwise PM me anytime and I'll bring u there!That's a promise!
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Ha!ha! I shop around this week and looks like I'm going to try making an air skimmer. I saw a silent pump that I can use. Now I'll give local airstone a try just to have it running. I have all the acrylic, its just a matter of doing the works. It will take sometime though coz I'm also doing a tank stand for my upcoming tank. Anyway I have started a thread about the project but I haven't really followed up on it due to all the preparations.I'll keep u posted!Thanks again!
