I thought Id share some of my thoughts as to why I'll no longer be an active member on ReefFrontiers. When I first found RF in 2004, I discovered a web forum rich in information and friendly members. I've noticed rencently that some of the truely friendly people willing to share their knowlage and experiences are posting less and less as if they are being driven away by some specific newer members. Alot of times now in any given thread you can find countless post unrelated to the topic. To follow a thread and actually learn anything you have to shuffle through all the commentary. Infact sometimes their is so much conversation in the thread unrelated to the topic that any other person following the thread can feel almost left out of the circle or even confused. I have also seen some personal attacks recently. I am the first to admit I'm no angel, but when I have spoken up in response, its been what I'd feel is considered appropriate. There are still many, many great people on here that sadly I may never meet as I'm not going to be an active member. I also feel that there are a few people who are making for a less friendly enviroment. I hope to maybe open a few eyes, because Reeffrontiers insnt what it used to be. Bash me if you will, but thats how I see it. I do support the sponsors who help keep ReefFrontiers online and hope that someday ReefFrontiers will again be a more friendly place as most of the members are, and that threads will again someday serve their purpose. To share pics, expericences and thoughts related to reef keeping. I should again mention that I have gained alot of knowladge and friendships through ReefFrontiers.