My last post

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2004
Sumner WA
I thought Id share some of my thoughts as to why I'll no longer be an active member on ReefFrontiers. When I first found RF in 2004, I discovered a web forum rich in information and friendly members. I've noticed rencently that some of the truely friendly people willing to share their knowlage and experiences are posting less and less as if they are being driven away by some specific newer members. Alot of times now in any given thread you can find countless post unrelated to the topic. To follow a thread and actually learn anything you have to shuffle through all the commentary. Infact sometimes their is so much conversation in the thread unrelated to the topic that any other person following the thread can feel almost left out of the circle or even confused. I have also seen some personal attacks recently. I am the first to admit I'm no angel, but when I have spoken up in response, its been what I'd feel is considered appropriate. There are still many, many great people on here that sadly I may never meet as I'm not going to be an active member. I also feel that there are a few people who are making for a less friendly enviroment. I hope to maybe open a few eyes, because Reeffrontiers insnt what it used to be. Bash me if you will, but thats how I see it. I do support the sponsors who help keep ReefFrontiers online and hope that someday ReefFrontiers will again be a more friendly place as most of the members are, and that threads will again someday serve their purpose. To share pics, expericences and thoughts related to reef keeping. I should again mention that I have gained alot of knowladge and friendships through ReefFrontiers.
I to find myself only dicussing questions and ideas with a few good people that i have met in the short time of being a member instead of in the general forums.
Also, I feel that i have always given good deals and dont expect much more than a thank you. I have inherited that from the few that i keep intouch with and then passed it on. I would rather the corals that i have to become very common so everyone could have a piece.
I hear you BCT182! I did not post much because, I like to know what I am talking about before I give a suggestion just to get my post numbers up. This used to be a awsome place for knowledge. Now we have people who have less water in thier tank than I evaporate in a day, trying to give suggetions on how a reef tank should be setup. Don't get me started on the how many days my tank has been setup ticker!!! I have decide to sell my tank and also will not be hanging around these forums. Like you I have made many friends and those people I will keep intouch. I am sure many people feel your frustration but don't want to "P.O." the moderators.
Thanks to all that have been helpfull (you know who you are),
Brett, I sincerely hope that was not your last post. I have gained a lot from your posts and knowing you. Do not let the distractions swerve you off your own path. Regards,
Sorry you feel that way Brett :doubt: Hope you decide to stick around...We still have to race!:D All jokes aside, I understand what you are saying, but haven't really noticed things have changed here lately because I haven't been online quite as much as I use to be...Not because I lost interest in this place or because someone turned me away, but because I am at a very very busy stage in my life. We have more work than we've ever had with our business and not enough man power so I'm pulling the extra load giving me basically no time to log on in the day and then when I get home, I have a daughter that crawls now so she requires a lot more of my time and attention so my time has been cut a bit. I still find it a pleasure to log on and post when I can and make it a point to get on here everyday. Me being here as much as I am with all that is going on in my life, with as many posts as I have, and not even having a tank for the past few months must say something...That I like it here. If things have changed here, it still is nothing like other forums that I have seen, but the fact that you feel that way means we may need to open our eyes a bit more and get back on track (if that is the case). Hope you decide to stick around man...It would be a great loss to see you or anyone go:)
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Hey Brett,

I'm glad I caught your post. Unfortunately, I feel the same way as you and that is one reason I've stopped posting on here.

I wish you the best...
hmm i don't know what to say :oops: .
I have been looking in other websites and i still love this place and wouldn't change it .... there's just way to many great people here.
I try to log in even if it's just for 2 or 3 mins (with 2 kids now, the only time i have to read and talk is when i'm breastfeeding :p) .
I hope you change your mind and don't give up on us dood :oops: ..... Matt and the others, I'm sorry if you feel that way too doods :( .
This website has been wonderful to me and for me. I am a newbie and finding such a (mostly) warm and supporting place has been incredible. I tend to chat a bit more than most but I am learning. This is all new to me. I love my tank and want it's residents to be as happy as possible.

I hope you don't leave.
I had PMs from over a dozen mature long time posters who used to be regulars and have since backed off due to the change in character here over the last few months. Have noticed even more. My friend Matt was one, I will not out the others but they know who they are.

Yes this is a family site and humor is a vital ingredient. Age is not the problem, Augustus is an example of a very mature and polite excellent contributor though only 15. His entire family is cool, but back to the point.

Reef Frontiers helped me become more interested in this hobby - make that passion, than ever before in the last 25 of having salt tanks in my house. The friendliness and openness here amazed me. Guys like Brian, Matt, Larry, Don, Tracy, Steven and many others have been exceedingly generous, friendly and helpful. Authorities like Boomer, Curt, Lee, Keven, Anthony, Steve S, Paul and others have saved my tank many times.

This site is still awesome and the best one out there, but it hasn't been nearly as good as it was just a few months back.
Also seen more hard core reefers selling their systems for misc reasons other than moving. These are not good signs. If any moderator wishes to PM me and ask for those who have mentioned their observation of lowered quality, please do so.
Best with all and BCT do NOT quit!!!!!

Well, I've always feared a time like this would come...I knew with a forum growing, we'd be getting more and more diverse members with different perspectives and frames of minds. The thing is, some members may not actually think they are doing anything wrong because a forum they may have come from, may allow what we don't tolerate here so it may be all new to them. I've passed on a few links to a few buddies here of what is allowed on other forums and they couldn't believe their eyes! They way I look at it though is a lot of us have been here for a while and think of one another as family and close friends (some actually live in the same areas and personally know one another) and we all know what we all stand for and how we like it here so when we see something getting out of hand, I think it is everyone's duty to step in and see if they can help ease the situation. You don't have to be a mod or an RF staff to help or do this...I never use to be a mod until recently and before, I was always trying my best to help make RF as friendly as I could and as enjoyable for everyone. If there was anywhere I could help, I would and I did and I think if we all did our part here and tried to help when we saw a problem pop up or if you'd rather not personally get involved just pm a mod or something, then I think a lot of problems could have been resolved a lot quicker and people wouldn't feel like they have to leave. No-one should ever feel like they have to leave a place they call home IMO...I really hope RF can get back to the way everyone felt comfortable with it and all of the members that wanted to leave or have left, would make there way back here. RF will never be the same without a lot of you guys..
I am sorry to see there are some people that are no longer satisfied here. The truth is just like all other boards, people who post heavily and provide a great amount of information just get plain tired and need a break. Some people as mentioned actually do get out of the hobby. People should not be mad at those that get out of the hobby, we all need to take a break now and again. Life throws many curve balls at us and we all have to adjust to how we swing at those curve balls.

Regarding the content here, it can be up to all of us to help Reef Frontiers be the best it can be. If someone sees a thread moving off topic, help get it back on topic instead of moving away from the thread. Sooner or later people will get the idea that this is a reef discussion forum, first and foremost. I didn't create it to be a place to just talk about anything and everything, that is why we have the Water Fountain here on Reef Frontiers. The main forums are for discussing the topic at hand. I hope everyone will commit to that and try to get those people that want to provide valuable information a chance to do just that.

I can't keep people from leaving Reef Frontiers. There are many wonderful places on the internet for people to go and enjoy in similar communities. It's nice that some call it "home" here, I like to hear that but I am the last person that would ever have a problem with someone leaving here if they felt they weren't getting what they need out of our site.

I hope people continue to stay and enjoy Reef Frontiers and continue to chip in and make it the best place to be, and I wish those that no longer wish to participate luck in finding what suits them best.
Greetings all-
We may have never met, but share at least one common interest. I too have been exasperated with the forum, or more specifically, certain participants. What I have found as a solution is the "Add XXXXXX to Your Ignore List" option found on the public profile page. This has allowed me to turn off every post from those users I select. This simple option may have prevented me from knowing something of value that one of these persons might offer, but for them to make it onto my list.....they rarely if EVER proffer anything which I have found valuable. The accompanying benefit to my sanity has been welcome and far reaching.

I am one of the "old guard" and have been around a long, long time. I do not frequently post, yet have affected many here over the course of time. Three of my best friends have come to me from this hobby, and one was as a direct result of my reply to a post here.

Just this week I met three more people, two of which had seen me “around” but did not know me, and all of which have added to my circle of friends. Of course, I will not allow the occasion to acquaint myself with those on my Ignore list 

Whether or not someone’s departure from this forum will directly affect me is hard to know, and begs the question as to why I should care. I must consider this: if those of quality and substance leave, have we let the lesser win?

Best regards, Dan
Feedback (even negative feedback) can be useful. However, if you're dissatisfied with something you are a part of, I recommend trying to change it from the inside as opposed to being dissatisfied about it from the outside. This is a community and you get out of it, what you put into it. I'm involved as a volunteer with numerous charities. Sometimes things get a little wacky when everyone is a volunteer. Rather than quitting the charity, I try to find ways to improve the issue. I will say this. 14 months ago, I broke my whole body. I broke my back, ribs, tailbone, wrist, sprained my ankle and blew out my knee. I lost 2/3rds of the nerve connections to my left leg and my doctors were not exactly positive when I asked them if I would be able to walk again. Well I am walking again and it involved a LOT of hard work. Many of my friends from RF sent me PM's and emails, called me on the phone to give me support, etc. I will be forever grateful to them for this and forever grateful to RF for helping me meet these people.

If you see a personal attack, that's what the report button is for.
It alerts the moderators to look at that post. The sad fact is, people behind a computer monitor sometimes act much more aggressive than they would in person. I've sent PM's to people before regarding a post and most of the time, they really didn't intend for it to be that aggressive. On a couple of ocassions, something REALLY STRESSFUL is going on in their lives and while they didn't intend for something to be negative, they are just in a negative mood so the post seemed fine. In one case recently, their post could be read two different ways easily. I read it one way and sent them a PM and when they explained themselves, it was actually kinda funny. But the moderators cannot deal with an issue unless they know about it. If you see a personal attack, hit the button.

I'm not sure that I agree that newer members shouldn't be allowed to enter discussions. These are discussion forums after all. They are just learning along the way on the same topic. For instance, I'm learing along the way in my local club forum. We are discussing denitrators. Apparently, there are now denitrators that don't require regular additions of Carbon sources to keep them fed. This is completely new to me so I'm useless in discussing it. I'm just along for the ride but I feel that my questions and comments are as valid as anyone elses.

I hope you don't leave because the community will lose your valuable input if you do.
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Hi all,

I'm one of the newbies here (and hopefully not a source of frustration. I do like to chime in on things if there's even a chance I might know what I'm talking's a character flaw. :lol: ).

I have participated in a lot of other forums though and have seen events like this in all of them.

I strongly agree with the suggestions made here to try to improve the forum rather than to leave.

* use of the REPORT button is extremely important. Use it rather than get into a tiff. (I'm guilty of failing to do this.)
* using the IGNORE THIS POSTER button
* Gently but firmly reminding people to stay on topic or go to waterfountain

etc. these are all good approaches to keep it enjoyable here.

I find this an outstanding forum and would not be surviving in this hobby without the wonderful people I have met here and the help I've received from strangers.
I'm also sorry to see some folks leaving RF. We can't keep you from leaving, (Chuck you need to come up with a button for that ;)) but we hope you will come back and keep giving your input by either sticking around, stopping by on occasion, or returning in the future. Everyone's input here is valued...even someone that is just starting a tank. I feel RF is an incredible board. We rarely have had to ban anyone, we have great resources, and threads like these are few and far between. The membership is outstanding, IMO, at maintaining constructive comments, and helping others in need.

I've noticed rencently that some of the truely friendly people willing to share their knowlage and experiences are posting less and less as if they are being driven away by some specific newer members.

I'm not sure if I'm lumped into this group (I hope I'm friendly). I've had alot going on recently not only with schedule changes with my daughter's activities, but also a couple of health issues with her the last 6 months or so. Those that had contacted me are aware of what's going on. Its not a huge deal, but being 5 1/2 she needs some extra mommy time.

BCT182 said:
I have also seen some personal attacks recently.

I would urge anyone to report a post where someone is being personally attacked. That is something not tolerated here, and I would like to be alerted to such posts. We can't read every single post every day, so please use the report post button.

I am sure many people feel your frustration but don't want to "P.O." the moderators.

I don't know a single moderator here that would be "P.O"d by anyone giving feedback. You really have to go above and beyond to tick us off. Please send a PM to one of the staff if you have issues you want to take up privately.

MtnDewMan said:
I hope people continue to stay and enjoy Reef Frontiers and continue to chip in and make it the best place to be, and I wish those that no longer wish to participate luck in finding what suits them best.

Agreed :)
To echo what Nikki and Chuck and a few members have stated...this is a very large board with a very active membership...the sheer volume of posts made in a day here make it impossible for the staff of RF to read them all...I know for me, I certainly don't have the time to read every post in every thread. That's where we need help from members.

If you see an inappropriate post or something is bothering you here, contact us...that's why we are here. And as said above, if you notice a thread going off topic and becoming a chit-chat session, feel free to help steer it back on topic and/or use the ignore feature if a particular member is getting under your skin.

We try to do the best we can to keep the forum friendly and informative, but we certainly need the assistance of the members to do so.

Peace Brett, I hope you find what you are looking for. :doubt:

My opinion on this is (for once) middle of the road. Let me draw a parallel.

Think about a 1hr meeting at work. They are usually boring, dull, and useless. Why? No one wants to pay attention (think history class). Throw in a joke or two, and the meeting may become 2-3min longer, but everyone walks out happier. Relatively few of us get-off on learning about: under which conditions and concentrations Mg will precipitate, but we understand the importance of knowing that information. I am not here to read a text book; clearly, that is a much more efficient mode of information transfer.

On the other hand, I think, RF is quite far from "the place" where we can read thousands of useless threads (between good ones) about fish.

If you have been here for a month; you have figured out who the yappers are and what their avatars look like. Skipping their posts is easy, going back to reread a potentially valid (and on-topic) post is just as easy. You will also quickly figure out who has that "text book" answer for you.

I like this forum. I wouldn't change a thing.
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ok i'm quitting because Mike, Curt and Nikki didn't say hi to me and on top of that Krish told me ... i stink !! :p:lol: .... i'm just j/k :).

I love this place, i'm addicted to it and i love the knowledge we all share.... sure there's a few newbs that make you go -->:confused: :confused: but i'd never ever leave this place just for that .... + when it comes to it .... we're all newbs in something ;) :D

I totally agree with Brett ... if you just talk and talk ... it becomes bla bla bla ... if you throw a joke here and there ... it becomes fun and makes you wanna keep reading or at least for me :p :D .

you have figured out who the yappers are and what their avatars look like

ok !! avatar and signature are sexy ok !! :p :lol:
Mech - I see what you are talking about but, work meetings are required, my attendance on this site is not. I am only here because i enjoy it. I am in the hobby to relax(hence the definition of hobby in my sig). Jokes every once in a while are great and do "lighten the mood". But when your trying to get something done or gain some insight and the thread(meeting) is FULL of jokes, it becomes frusterating and useless.
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