My OBD 200 gallon rimless cube build

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Catalina goby
May 12, 2012
monroe wa
Well many of you remember my 4x4 build last summer. Well it hit a bunch of snags and Ive been slowly trading for pieces to get it going and now Ive got enough things to start putting it all together. for the most part lol.
The glass has been in their shop for quite some time while I was recovering from being on L&I for several months. But last week I finally visited their shop during the PSAS meeting. During the tour of their store I saw one of their 200 gallon cubes. That's 199 gallons inside dimensions Dave. The look of that tank was real slick and beautiful. That re-lit the fire because I saw how close I was to getting it done. Since then I've been talking with the guys at Oceans by Design about putting humpty dumpty back together again. And they reinvigorated my thoughts about the whole design of it. The bulky weir with the "bean animal" overflow will be replaced with a Center overflow using the herbie design. Also Ive dropped the idea of it being a coldwater tank. Its going to be minimalist in style and showcase carpet anemones, clams, and some SPS. And maybe a sweet elegance or two;) Sump design might drive me a bit batty though :der:. For a sump all I got is a 30 long acrylic. i could use my 55 but its being used for my african cichlid tank, and its glass. I like acrylic for drilling holes for chillers and main pumps. But would 30 gallons do the trick? Anyway wish me luck I'll need it!
Can't wait to see this one going.

As far as the sump, you know what we all say. Get the biggest container you can to fit inside the space you have. :)

A 30 gallon sump seems a bit small. Especially if you plan to do a refugium in it, plus a skimmer and return area.
How long before you think you will be adding water?

Maybe by that time something else will turn up.
I would go for a bigger sump than 30 gal for a 200 gal display. I'd use at least a 50 gal sump.
Wellll.... I do have a 100 gallon sump that needs repair but I'm afraid mike and Eric would kill me lol. It really needs alot of work. I was gonna use it... To cut out baffles lol
Wellll.... I do have a 100 gallon sump that needs repair but I'm afraid mike and Eric would kill me lol. It really needs alot of work. I was gonna use it... To cut out baffles lol

Oh,,,,,,,,,,, if that would fit in the spot, that would be a great size for a sump on a 200 gallon tank.
How bad is it?
What needs to be done?

A system this sized works best when well thought out.
Time to start thinking and planning
Look forward to see this get going. I wouldn't use anything less than a 70G sump on a 200. I currently run a 150G sump on my 210.
I don't trust the seems at all and the walls are a bit thin. I was thinking when I first got it that running thin cut strips in all the seams with beads of epoxy to reinforce it. It's also been sitting outside since June so who knows how good of shape it's in now.
You are NOT gonna use that sump Paul :becky:. Get that outta your mind now. The acrylic in it is only worth scrap material for smaller projects at this point and I wouldn't have trusted the glue joints before it sat outside on end for the better part of a year, let alone now. We can obviously build one for you but if the budget it tight (I know it is) keep your eye on the classifieds or CL for a used tank and just build one.

This should be a fun build for you, I can see the glimmer in your eye every time we talk about it :)
Lol I wasn't going too. I'd rather use the 30. I'm just using that sump for scrap:) but I'll keep my eyes open for a larger one. Im picking up a skimmer rated for a 250. So I'm getting there.
I have a 65g sump for my 215 display. I wish i had room for a remote sump around 150g, but my wife says it has to be able to sit in the stand. Also, i dont think my landlords would care for me changing the closet into a sump
So I traded for a 75 gallon tank. Thanks Devin :) So that part is lining up good. I figure I can cut baffles out of the old sump. And once I pick up that I can see how the skimmer sits in it. I have large felt filter socks and those will be in the first chamber. Then live rock and cheato in the middle chamber. It's a basic design but should work. I'm open to ideas though.
3 chambers or 2?

Are you really set in the idea to have live rock with the macro?

I don't because I think it collects detritus and makes it hard to get it out.
I was thinking 3. But I could do a fourth chamber for macro but it might get a little tight. But maybe not. I'll do some measuring on the 55 tonight to gauge length of each chamber. I'm not set on any idea. My current sump is not good, design wise. But works with effort. So I know that I don't have the answer. I have an old diy reactor I could use also. Looks like a koralin pellet reactor might have been used as a carbon reactor. It's a big one but I'll need to replace the pump and wet test it.
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The way I do my sumps is with 3 chambers. First is the in coming water and skimmer area, second is for my refugium and a small third area for heater, top-off float and any other equipment I might use. I keep a small sponge filter in here all primed and ready in case I need to setup a q-tank. The third chamber also is a settling area for detritus. It collects there and is easy to vacuum out.
All the water flows in one direction and all the water goes through each chamber. To me it's a simple design and eliminates the need for extra valves and piping.
I also keep it a fairly low flow.
So your saying low flow. Looks like I won't be buying that 1750 gph return pump then:) more like 600 I imagine. Time to throw a post up under the floor where last joist runs along edge of the tank. I moved the spot where I want the tank I'm going to put it where the other tanks are. Which will complicate things I'm sure but I have two outlets in that corner and two foundation walls. Hmm lots of planning