My Sebae split! please help

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2008
Nine Mile Falls
Ok I dont know if I should panic or rejoice!
today, after much running around town, I came home and as usual took a quick peek at my 30 gallon reef (which was just down graded from the 90) now, this morning..everyone was doing "their thing" and all was well, this afternoon, my sebae now has a weird look to it. I mean, it looked normal, except that part of it was stuck in it's hole, and the rest of it was moving somewhere else. albeit slow, it was moving....well, the part that was in the hole, is a whole new anemone!!! so, I texted a friend and I told him what happened. He said that they dont normally do that (sebea's) and that perhaps he was damaged. which, as I said, all was well this mornign.

So here is what happened....I went from a 90 gallon tank to a 30 gallon...I used most of the sand that was good, all the rock (about 75 lbs) and 10 gallons of the water. all the temperatures were good, the only thing different is that instead of using "tap" water, I used RO/DI water for the remaining 20 gallons....oh, and also I placed the anemone closer to the lights, because a friend had him for me, and had a snafu happen with his lighting which in turn bleached my sebae. Now he is a delightful "green" so, I am ASSUMING he is ok and going back to his lovley tan that he used to be, even if it is slow which is what I would expect.

So, I just now looked, and I can see the "new" anemone's foot? and the "old" anemone is moving itself down the rock...

so, my question is this....IS THIS OKAY?? I looked it up online, and I quote: (actually this is copy/paste but you know...)

Propagating Anemone - While anecdotal, it may still be a valid observation that if you want your anemone to split or reproduce, frequent water changes along with target feeding the anemone every 3 to 4 days seems to induce the anemone to split (clone). This makes sense to me since for any animal to have the energy to reproduce, it must have the protein available. I also believe that the better water quality and the abundant food cues the anemone that it is in a very suitable environment capable of supporting more anemone like itself, a kind of trigger if you will. (taken from
someone with experience in Sebae please help me so I know what to do if anything, or and what to watch out for if anything.
Thank you