My Shrooms need help badly.

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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2008
Cheney, Washington, United States
Okay so I had a hitchicking Shroom on a piece of live rock that I got and I think it survived the cycle, but now it doesn't look to good.


The one side has been folded in since I got it but the side closest to it has shrunk in(If you would like to compare you can see what he looked like a few days ago in my little guys thread), however the only think that has me stumped is that if you look at him from a side view you can see that it looks like he has a shroom top growing out of the side of the stem on the side closest to the light.


Also I am wondering if this might be the start of another shroom it is small but it already looks like a shroom only pink.


I tried to read about shrooms this morning and what I have found says they don't like current so I am repositioning the heads, I also found a bit on there that suggested that shrooms shrivel a bit just before reproducing so I am curious if anyone thinks this might be happening in this case??
sorry the highlighting from paint didn't show on the last pic, if you look at the same level as the top of the snail on the right and go left there is a little mini ridge on the rock in the middle you can see the pink start of what I think is a shroom.
I cant see enough to help with the mushroom but I would probably remove that rock and cook it to get rid of the macro algae. It will take over your entire tank.

I don't honestly think your tank has completed a cycle yet. If you set the tank up on the 4th as one of your previous threads states, I think you have at least another 2 weeks to go maybe more.
What are your water parameters telling you????? Ammonia Nitrite, Nitrate????
ammonia and nitrate zerod out a few days ago, however the ammonia did go up a tiny bit after I added my cleaning crew, but it is back down now. I know it is not fully ready for livestock, but I had two lfs shops test it and they both said it was fine(I use there tests to make sure I don't screw up mine).

and Don as for cooking that rock, I would like to but I can't there is to much growing on it, mushrooms, vermatid snails, clams, I would have to kill them all to kill that rock. Is there any other way to remove the macro algae??
ammonia and nitrate zerod out a few days ago, however the ammonia did go up a tiny bit after I added my cleaning crew, but it is back down now. I know it is not fully ready for livestock, but I had two lfs shops test it and they both said it was fine(I use there tests to make sure I don't screw up mine).

and Don as for cooking that rock, I would like to but I can't there is to much growing on it, mushrooms, vermatid snails, clams, I would have to kill them all to kill that rock. Is there any other way to remove the macro algae??

You can try plucking it as it grows but as a new reefkeeper I would guess your going to have some issues with nutriens so it going to be a real pain. The stuff can quickly take over your tank, Id sacrafice the critters.

ammonia and nitrate zerod out a few days ago, however the ammonia did go up a tiny bit after I added my cleaning crew, but it is back down now. I know it is not fully ready for livestock, but I had two lfs shops test it and they both said it was fine(I use there tests to make sure I don't screw up mine).

What is your Nitrite at???

I have found that certain LFS will just tell you what you want to hear, so they can sell you more stuff. Notice I said certain LFS. If I were you, I would do some searching on this site on cycling a tank, and just what is involved and what time frames you are looking at. I know it is hard to be patient, but it is a building block in this hobby.
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it is only my opinion.
I appreciate the input, I really nead to think about what I want to do. This was the only rock I bought with anything really alive on it, and these are the critters I have grown attached to, so I hate to just sacrifice them to make less work for myself.

As for the water tests i don't think that either was blowing smoke they are fairly reputable, and seeing as there test only confirmed my tests I think I'm ok, as for the nitrite I don't remember what I got for a reading on it.
As for the water tests i don't think that either was blowing smoke they are fairly reputable, and seeing as there test only confirmed my tests I think I'm ok, as for the nitrite I don't remember what I got for a reading on it.

If it wasnt 0 then its to high.

My Solution


lloyd has taken a liking to it, not even 5 minutes up there and he has eaten a cm square patch of it and I think the snail is going to town to but he moves so slowly I can't tell. If he keeps it up I think that'll work.
Just remember, what goes in, must come out. Getting rid of algae with critters doesn't always solve the problem, but sometimes fuel it. I battled macro algae for months and tried everything, and the final solution was easy; better skimmer, larger water changes, and patience. I agree with Don, while the tank is still young, get rid of the macro by cooking. Hope all turns out :)
okay how do I cook it??

If its just that one little piece I'd just nuke it with boiling water. This will kill the whole rock. Other wise put it in a dark tub of SW for a few months.
You can even just bleach it and that will kill everything real quick. A razor will remove your shroom and you can stick it somewhere else.

okay then what, I try to take the shroom off, boil the rock, and then?? I don't know much, but I am assuming that I would not want to put it back in the tank because of the ammonia from the decay right?? How would I get it ready to go back in the tank??