My Toadstool is about to drop a baby frag

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2005
I've had this Toadstool in my 45g for approximately 1.75 yrs, one of my first corals in fact. When I first got it from SWC (it was actually given to me when I purchased some zoas or something), it was no bigger than a 50 cent piece. It survived last winter's storm (8 days without power), and is now about 8 inches in diameter.

About 2 months ago, I noticed that it had kind of folded over itself in one area. Today, that folded over area looks a lot like the toadstool did when I first got it, but probably a bit bigger. It's literally hanging by a thread of tissue, and looks like it will separate at any time.

Anyways, I thought it was pretty cool, so I took a few photos to share.



Thanks! The baby frag dropped on Thursday, 7/19. I am trying to use a rubberband to keep it attached to a small rubble rock. The 1st couple of attempts the frag ended up floating away (I'm trying to not have the rubberband too tight). But now I seem to have gotten it to stay put.

I'll take a picture & post next change I get.
do try a cocktail toothpick (just impale the frag into a piece of rock... pre-drilled better yet). Rubber bands are a poor way to attach Alcyoniid frags as you've noticed (it increases chances of infection too for the larger stifled surface area of the band versus the pinhole impalement of a pick)
Very nice. More little stools...You can slightly pinch the base with two small rocks and it will attach if you want to be able to move it in the future...
Pictures of baby frag

Here's a couple of shots of the new frag. It has been staying attached to the rock using the rubberband, so I'm tempted to just leave it be. Unless the concensus is to remove the rubberband & try either the toothpick or squeeze between two rocks... Otherwise, I am hoping in a few days to a week, it will attach itself to the rock.


I used a piece of sewing line...tied it gently across the top and in 3 days it was attached, i pulled the rock out of water, cut the line, viola an attached toadstool with no visible problems