My water is turning green, Why?

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Flame Angel
Apr 9, 2009
Spokane WA
Ok, I am starting to get a bit frustrated.:mad: My tank has been up for about 3 to 4 months, It's a 35g corner tank. I have about 25 LBS of live rock, 30 LBS of crushed coral substrate, 2 Koralia 2 power heads, Rena canister filter with Bio tubes, and crushed rock in it. I have a cleaning crew of 3 LRG snails, 6 small snails, 6 hermit crabs. Also if it is still alive a Blue Tang that I haven't seen for about 3 days.:cry: But I can't really see in the tank but about 3 inches. I have done 20% water changes but just can't seem to fine the right cure.:confused: Just tested the water again, ph 8.4 ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, salinity is 1.022. someone please help
are you running carbon? are you using RO/DI water? if you can't see more than 3 inches I suspect you have bad test kits. If it is that green, it could be something dying or just too much phosphates. Your salinity is also too low. It should be around 1.025-1.026
No carbon, no on RO water trying to save and get the filter. I guess I will have to take a water sample to LFS.
You can buy RO/DI water from Aquatic Dreams
If you are a customer of Coral Reef they give it for free.
If you are close to the Spokane Valley (Pines Exit) I can give you some fresh RO/DI water, Just let me know how much and when you will be by.

Bring your own Jug or I have 8 - 5 gallon jugs you can borrow if you leave a deposit of $10.00 a jug.

I dont know what you have in your tank right now but when I had this issue (started my tank with tap water) I had to do a 40% water change every other day for a week and put Phosphate Remover (if I remember right a capful everyday for 2 weeks) then once a week.

It is one of those things that almost makes you want to drain your tank and start over. I don't know what you have in your tank as far as coral or fish.
You are fine, your tank is cycling. If after six months you still cannot see in your tank then you need to step up the water changes. The phosphate in your tank needs to go through a period where it adsorbs to the calcium rock structure or is removed by water changes. Relax, keep up the good work and do your water changes. Green water is actually a good sign of water quality at the beginning, forget the books. If you can support microscopic life you will be able to support macrosopic life. Just keep up the water changes or even go 50% for a few weeks. You need to get the food out of the water column.
Ok, I am starting to get a bit frustrated.:mad: My tank has been up for about 3 to 4 months, It's a 35g corner tank. I have about 25 LBS of live rock, 30 LBS of crushed coral substrate, 2 Koralia 2 power heads, Rena canister filter with Bio tubes, and crushed rock in it. I have a cleaning crew of 3 LRG snails, 6 small snails, 6 hermit crabs. Also if it is still alive a Blue Tang that I haven't seen for about 3 days.:cry: But I can't really see in the tank but about 3 inches. I have done 20% water changes but just can't seem to fine the right cure.:confused: Just tested the water again, ph 8.4 ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, salinity is 1.022. someone please help

How often are you cleaning that filter? CC substrate will hold Detritus easily so you need to vacuum it throughly. You need to get that RO/DI ASAP & In the meantime use distiled or buy water from your LFS. You probably need more LR than that go at least 50lbs. A blue tang is a big fish for a small tank & a newbie reefer, start with easier fish to keep & don't over crowd your tank. I would do larger WC's to help get our tank under control & have your water tested as suggested, what kits are you using? List all of the fish you have, how much your feeding & what?
These suggestions will help a beginner keep your tank stabilized, in time you can adjust it as you gain more experience. Also keep your Temp. as stable as you can, If you want to add more LR, you should do it in small steps & make sure it is cycled as not to spike your tank.
In the meantime, read, read, read it will help lots!
As far as fish that I have the tang was it. I can't afford to put fish in and watch them die so I want to make sure things are right first. Yes the tang is a large fish for that tank but at the moment it is a very small fish, and as soon as I can figure out the small tank I have a 100g waiting to be filled. I am feeding it algae squares that I got from Advanced Aquarium, about 1 square every other day. Test kit is the API saltwater master kit.
Good Information it helps. It may be just that you need to maybe do a few larger WC's & when you can afford it more LR & that RO/DI unit. For now, keep your canister clean & keep doing WC's until it clears up. You'll see it do better, just hang in there & give it time. :D
If your water is turning green, you're experiencing an algae bloom in the water column. Filtering with carbon and getting an RO/DI unit will help. If you have a Diatom Filter, that will also clear it up quickly. However, unless you get to the source, it'll just continue to come back. If you don't do take corrective measures, look forward to fluorescent green water, and not being able to see your
rodi is the most important investment in saltwater tanks. with tap, you will be battling algae in the long run.
+1 to the RODI water, and WC's with said RODI water.
For a temporary cover up (won't fix the problem just the simptom) you could add a UV steralizer to the system.
When I got blooms in my FW tanks in the past a good UV unit would clear the water up in no time.

But remember. just because it lets you see into the tank dosn't mean the problem is not there.
Kinda like pain killers. you can't feel it anymore but the pain is still there :p