N.F.P. (National Fish Pharmaceuticals)

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
san francisco bay area
Greetings Lee,

I was going to start stocking my medicine cabinet while my tank cycles. I came across this place through a web search and was told to get the following (based on what you recommended in your marine fish medicine cabinet thread).

Doxycycline Hydrochloride*
Quinine Sulfate
Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate
Nitrofuracin Green

They seem to be less expensive than Foster & Smith, get more for your money, & you get to talk to a one of the doctors for advice.

Your thoughts ?
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If you check the stickies in this Forum I think you'll find my recommendations for a 'medicine cabinet.'

You should consider expiration dates when you stock. Those products that 'expire' you should only stock enough to use until you get more. A second way is to go in on the products with friends and keep a 'pool' of emergency products. Again the gist is to keep enough to begin the treatment and to give time to acquire more.

I have something against almost everything on the list you posted. I'd rather not 'tare into the list' but as an example: Most ornamental marine fish bacterial infections are caused by Gram Negative type bacteria. The bacteria in the biological filter are Gram Positive. Erythromycin kills Gram Positive bacteria. So, in this one example, that would not be the antibiotic I would recommend be kept on hand.

Read the sticky post mentioned above. It's what I wholeheartedly recommend. Good luck! :)
Thanks for the recommendation Lee. So basically using any medicine that has gram positive bacteria will adversely effect our bacteria population ? To purchase everything you recommended to stock a fish medicine cabinet was less than $100, so I guess it's not too bad. The only thing is you don't get a lot of medicine in the powdered packets. What are your thoughts on chloroquine phosphate by the way ?
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There are several 'quinine' products that are useful for some parasites. They (in my opinion) should not be in the public domain. The real good ones require prescriptions. Unlike some of the other treatments, the quinine products are harder on the fish. They cure the fish, but shorten its lifespan more than other meds I have used.

If you can obtain any of those products on the list within 24 hours of seeing the disease or illness on your fish, there is little need to stock it.