Nanocustoms 5.6 LED Retro Kit Install

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Nanocustoms 5.6 LED Retro Kit

The install was much easier than the directions on the website indicated.
This is because the ballast boxes are now fully built and the leds are mounted on the heat sink.

Here is the final product.
Nanocustoms 5.6 LED Retro Kit

The install was last night.

I put in a montipora cap lower in the tank to see how it adjusted to the light.

It may be too much light.

The next coral I try to acclimate to the light will have to start on the bottom.
Nanocustoms 5.6 LED Retro Kit

Note: Although this is called the Nanocustoms 5.6 LED Retro Kit, I actually purchased it from
Very nice! Looked like a pretty straight forward put together too! I will re-locate it to the DIY section for you. :)