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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2008
Hey everyone
Ive been keeping a close watch on my tank and have noticed i have some see threw looking bugs is what i call them they swim very fast but are maybe 1.5m in size being the biggest iver seen i cant find any info on them. ive also seen a clear what looks like a clear centipede no info found on it either but what ive noticed is that they have been bothering my brown poylps thats where i notice them the most any info guys ive tried to take a picture and you cant see them they swim to fast in zig zag motion..
Sounds like a pod, do a search on amiphod and or copepod. See if it matches up.

I've had pods attack my polyps in my old tank, bought a mandarin goby and it took care of the problem. A sixline or fourline wrasse should take care of them as well. Good luck.