Need Help With Puffer!

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
I have a 75 gallon all fish Tank everything in the tank is doing great. But My Puffer Its a dalmation puffer Pretty Decent size and He has some kind of Infection Bacterial of some sort. He has a slime thats constantly On him with little white Dots. He has been closing his eyes a lot and has been very un active until its feeding time not normal for him. Ive had him for over a year and this is the first problem weve had. at first i thought it was ick so i lowered my salt level to 0.10 from .24 he seem a little better but not much. Ive been trying to feed him with some Meds but does not work hes to slow and the gel just melts away. Its methamyclin i think. If Anyone has anything med wise. I was told there are no good meds anymore. Or advice of what to do please Help.
Thanks a Lot
It's unclear if your low salinity treatment was done in the display tank or ? Have you monitoring water quality and performing regular tests for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates? I'm talking test kit tests, not stick tests. The main biological system may become dysfunctional during the lowering of sp. gr. in the main system.

If this is a bacterial matter, then the cause has to be removed. One such cause is over-crowding. You don't mention the size of this fish and the other fishes in the tank, and their sizes for us to evaluate if the fish is properly housed. If this is the only fish, it could still be too big for that tank.

If there are white dots as you say, then that may not be a bacterial matter, but another pathogen/parasite at work here. A photo is helpful, but if not, then additional information:

Water chemistries (ammonia, nitrites, etc.)
Water parameters (pH, temp, etc.)
Size of 'dots'
Quantity, spacing of dots
Raised dots or below the skin level

Lethargy and sluffing of mucous coating is a sign for a few different conditions, most pathogen or internal problems. Since you've seen something on the fish, it is likely a pathogen.

To test this, take the fish and give it a FW bath according to this procedure: Fresh Water Fish Dip EXCEPT -- shorten it to 10 minutes; use of Methylene Blue is optional. After the bath save the bath water and, in its original container look to see if anything has come off the fish. If anything, it would sink to the bottom of the water, when the container is left undisturbed a few minutes. You would need to describe what you see for additional recommendations.


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