Need help with refugium plans

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Well-known member
May 16, 2006
I need help with my refugium plans. I recently upgraded to a larger sump to accommodate a larger top off reservoir. I travel a lot and need to have at least a week's worth of top off water. The new sump I have is a tall 29g tank. It has a chamber for rock rubble, baffles to eliminate micro bubbles, a return pump chamber and then the top off water chamber. Problem is, in order to accommodate the larger reservoir; I had to eliminate the fuge from the sump. So as of now, I’ve been growing my chateo in the overflow next to the drain pipes:(

I want to add a fuge but don’t' know what I should consider.

Some ideas I’m considering include adding either and internal fuge to the main display tank (unsightly), or adding a hang-on-back fuge. I'm also considering making a small fuge out of a Rubbermaid to fit by the sump and then plumb back into the return pump chamber.

With that said, I really would like any advice you guys might have. I'm sure some of you have ideas that I haven't even considered and that's what I'm looking for. Your help is much appreciated.

(fyi, my tank is a 75g reef ready tank with internal overflow).
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Would you be able to put cheato in the chamber where the rock rubble is?
If not then I think since you’re limited to space than either incorporate a hang on fuge or better still another tank next to the display which would increase the total amount of water in the system than a hang on unit would, and could be just as interesting to look at as the main display tank.
Unless... You have a significant other like I have, which she would not tolerate another tank in the house... Then I think the Rubbermaid tub next to the sump would be a viable solution. lol :rolleyes:
thanks for the suggestions.

i did find a solution a little while ago. I bought a rubbermaid ice cube holder from Target. It's probably 6 inches deep, 4 inches wide and 12 inches long. To my surprise, it fit perfectly into my sump, and even had handels on the sides that act as a ledge to hold it above the water surface. So i drilled some holes in it, threw some sand in the bottom and let my chaeto grow inside of it now. It gets fed a large amout of water. I'd just have to show you a pic i think for you to really understand what it's like. But i'm super happy with how well it is working.
I can picture it. That’s great to hear! Isn’t it funny how simple household knick/knacks make their way into our setups? :lol:
my fuge story.

At first reading this "thread" brought back good memories; I was once so eager for a refuge' I found in my storage an old 4 gallon land hermit crab plastic housing, I melted some holes in it and put a rio 400 pump and pumped some water into it (it sat on top of my sump) and let it over flow back into my sump. Added some left over 10 inch compacts and the plants grew wild.

Seeing how easily it worked.......

Few weeks I got rid of the hermit crab box and I installed, next to my 60g reef, a 20g glass tank with a matching stand (separate overflow and return from my single sump). It's nice to see the plants moving in the water current, it's an underwater garden next to my reef. Now I'm tempted to put some fish in there too but I have to control myself - plants only. btw, I bought some different plants and rocks today and now I have 2 small light green crabs in there that hitched a ride. Let's see how long they last in there.