Need input on how to transfer a 55 gn to 120 gn

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Kim Hewlett

New member
Aug 24, 2008
Maple Valley, WA
I would really appreciate any recommendations for the transfer. Here is what I have now hooked up for the new system.

Corner Flow 120 gallon tank
Euro-Reef Protein Skimmer
Unknown Wet/Dry System w/sump
Eheim Return Pump

I had a friend come over yesterday and plum the setup so I am at the stage of putting water into the tank for start up. Does the water need to be at about 78 degrees before I put in the live rock? I am looking to buy some live rock but still looking. I plan to run the tank through a full cycle before transfering everything from my 55 gallon tank. The plan is to start small with the reef part and make it a primarily fish only tank. We will of course, make sure that anything we add will be compatible with the reef setup also. The 55 is a fish only tank. Is live sand a must or is coral ok?

Thank you so much for your input in advance.

Most of us have been through this ourselves.

I upgraded the same way. Once the system was up and running with 60% water I added most the base rock for the reef and new sand. I then added a few pounds of sand from my old tank to speed the process up a little.

Once the tank ran it's coarse, I transferred over the remainder of the rock and fish.
Thank you Bob for the info. As stated above I was adding water today and found a leak from one of the seals from the glass to the PVC. We used the tape when screwing on the connector so that was not the issue. Does anyone know if aquarium silicone is good to use? Any info is appreciated.

Thank you,
