need opinion

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2005
i am adding a 90 gallon tank with overflow and i want some opinion or suggesting about this skimmer please vote from your experience .


i think about 1 of this 3 skimmer and i have a conflict between :

1. Euro-Reef CS8-1 Protein Skimmer, 135 gal. capacity ( SEDRA 5000 pump )
2. MRC1 (my reef creation) capacity 175 gal.(Blue Line Pumps 30 HD)
3. Aqua C EV-180 Protein Skimmer 60-200 gal.( Mag Drive 7 pump)

i am prepare to add a about 40 gallon refugium and i want to know what will be the best external and option for internal return pump for this size of tank,
if this pump good : blue line 40 HD-X 1270 (GPH).

i want to know from your experience what will be the best option and any idea for the return pump to , i appreciate yours feedback.


I think you will find people here that are happy with all the skimmers on your list. I personally have the MRC-1 and love it. One recommendation though if you go with the MRC-1, I would not get a pump smaller than the blue line 55 HD.

thanks for the replay.

is the blue line 55 HD quite pump , and it's 1080 GPH Pressure rated pump twice power flow then the 30 . you don't have problem with the water level (to the cup) i believe you get more bubble but want to be sure.
You shouldn't have a problem. The pump I originally was using was a gen x pcx 40 1180 gph @ 4'. It skimmed like crazy with that pump but it was to noisy. I am currently using a mag 12 until I can relocate my sump to the basement. The foam production has decreased since i changed pumps. You should get much finer bubbles with a pressure rated pump.

As far as noise from the blue line I could not tell you. I have been told that they make less noise than the Iwaki pumps, but I don't have any experience with them.

Hope this helps

Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! (in case I missed ya before)

I know that the EuroReef and AquaC are both excellent choices (I don't have experience with the MRC), and I debated between the EuroReef I have now and the AquaC EV240 when setting up my system. I have a EuroReef CS8-3 on my 120 and I just added the AquaC EV180 to it as well :). The ER is a fantastic skimmer, and since the AquaC was just put on I can't comment yet on how well it skims my system. I have seen it on my sibling's tank and it worked great.
first thank all .

i see from what i read that all have a biger skimmer to the capacity of the tank and now i think that i will change my mind sorry for confuse but since i am not going to buy skimmer every day i want to buy the better option for my tank and i know that this is main important thing to tank for the budget i can go so here is the other configure and again i am not sure on pump size .

1.Euro-Reef CS8-3 Protein Skimmer

2.MR-2 Model + 2 Injector

3. aqua c ev 240

4.barr aquatic SK1220

i add the barr quatic because now they all around the same price.

about the pump what the supplier said i am not sure with that and i think that yours figure will be better

please keep help with your opinion and suggest from yours experience with those skimmer .

again i thank you all

Are you restricted at all on the height or size of the skimmer? I couldn't go with the EuroReef CS8-4 because of the height restriction under my tank, however, the CS8-3 fit nicely even when elevated to accomodate the water depth the skimmer has to sit in.
yes i want it under the tank and it's a regular pine cabinet .

the skimmer 30" high so i think it will fit in i am not sure again if this size of skimmer will not creat a bubble problem becuase the size of the refugium 36" x 16" x 18" .

more then that what will be a good pump to run it ? and if it will changed the size for the return water pump to the tank........

buy the way did you add the aqua c to the same tank and if yes can you tell why ?
I don't have a bubble problem with my Euro-Reef CS8-3. How many baffles do you have before your refugium?

As far as pumps for the ER - I use the Sedra 5000. I also only use a mag 12 for my return.

Yes, I added the AquaC to the same tank. Here is a thread on Dual Skimmers?
thank for your help again.

i think i will get the cs8-3 with the sedra 5000. i am sure it will be strong enough to 90 gallon tank.

the refugium i want to take it's simmlar to this picture i attach (without the skimmer).

i want to know what size of returm pump you suggest to put there and if it's better external or internal pump.

i saw a new Coralife Calcium Reactor 500 . i want to know what you think about this or any other idea. (i attach the picture)
That sump looks like the CPR pro refugium! I almost bought one, but chose to custom build my own. An external pump is always good as there is a less likely chance of it heating up the water, but they have internal pumps that will work well also in not heating up the water and they take up less space . As for a return pump size, that would all depend on your pre-filter and what it can handle. A sump that size would probably be best running about 600-800 gph IMO. I have a 15 gal sump under my 90 gal and I'm using the CPR CS100 overflow which is good for 800 gph. My return pump puts out 700 gph to the tank and I made good use of it by running it through a 3/4 sea-swirl. I think a sea-swirl is a great investment for any tank as you get great coverage using one rather than a single direction flow. Best of luck...
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krish75 said:
That sump looks like the CPR pro refugium! I almost bought one, but chose to custom build my own. An external pump is always good as there is a less likely chance of it heating up the water, but they have internal pumps that will work well also in not heating up the water and they take up less space . As for a return pump size, that would all depend on your pre-filter and what it can handle. A sump that size would probably be best running about 600-800 gph IMO. I have a 15 gal sump under my 90 gal and I'm using the CPR CS100 overflow which is good for 800 gph. My return pump puts out 700 gph to the tank and I made good use of it by running it through a 3/4 sea-swirl. I think a sea-swirl is a great investment for any tank as you get great coverage using one rather than a single direction flow. Best of luck...

i am confuse now it's a all glass 90 gallon reef ready with the regular built in over flow (not external pre fillter) (atach picture) the flow rate it's 600 gallon .

i want to know if i can "push" the :blue line 40 HD-X rateed 1270 gph ?
i am confuse now it's a all glass 90 gallon reef ready with the regular built in over flow (not external pre fillter) (atach picture) the flow rate it's 600 gallon .

i want to know if i can "push" the :blue line 40 HD-X rateed 1270 gph ?

My bad...I didn't know it had a AGA with built in over flow...Sorry(LOL) I just saw 90 gal with overflow. They are only good for 600 gph per overflow which means you will need to run a return pump that will give you no more than 600 gph at the tank or you will drain your sump (if you are planning to use the 1270 gph for return)
i check again the closer pump it's the blue line bl 40 hd rated 740 gph it will drain the sump or it will be good ?

i want to know if i will add 2 820 seio ph or stronger one with all this type of filtration it will give a good circulation inside the tank ?
You can use the pump if you are set on that one. I'd just check the specs and use the proper length of hose that will bring the flow down around 600 gph to the tank. That way you won't have to worry about draining the sump. I know with pumps like mag drives, the mag7 gives 700 gph at 0 ft, but will give you something like 450-500 gph at 4-5 ft. So you can cut down the flow there with just a longer hose...

About the Seio's, I have 2 of the M820's and they did a great job at circulation. I just swapped out the Seio for a Tunze to see the difference and wow!! Nevertheless, the Tunze are expensive and you can get Seio's now up to 2600 gph for less than $80! Here is a photo of how my tank was setup before I added the Tunze. I am pulling out both Seio's to replace them with the Tunze. Not because I don't like the Seio's because I just like the Tunze especially since you can get them with the controllers. Also, keep in mind that it would all depend on your aquascaping to determine how much flow you will need. My rocks are layed out straight down the center of the tank with equal space infront of and behing the rocks. Also, I have a lot of gaps between them done purposely to accomodate good flow. This is why I can get away with what I have, but some rock layouts will require a bit more...HTH

If you look to the top center of the tank you can see the Sea-swirl...

nice tank i like it i see it's bare bottom ( i will ask more about this after i will finish the item i want to buy)

about the ph i copy here the link tell me what do you think and what will be the best option. i will buy what i need i am not rush i have already 2 tanks but i want to make this one for sps and other coral so i want the better option.

about the tank i am waitng for jcaquatics to send me the different price maybe i will take the 120 gallon with the 2 overflow so i can get a better circulation.

i have already 140 lbs of live rock and i have the : Aquaspacelight 2 250w DE HQI + 2 24w PC. Metal Halide i attach here the picture i hope they will be good for the coral .
nice tank i like it i see it's bare bottom ( i will ask more about this after i will finish the item i want to buy)

Thanks...The tank is slowly getting there. I will upgrade my lights again when I go to add corals this summer when the water warms up here...

about the ph i copy here the link tell me what do you think and what will be the best option. i will buy what i need i am not rush i have already 2 tanks but i want to make this one for sps and other coral so i want the better option.
About the powerheads, I have the T6060 which is the first one on the link you posted. It can't be added to a controller. So it's full blast 1600 gph. The next one I will be getting is not there from what I can see. It is this one
I guess it will all depend on which ones you like. I know with corals they like random flow so the Tunze stream with the controller, you can set it to wave making and have it pulse like 300 gph to 1800 gph and then back etc. The corals will love it! I will post a picture of my single Tunze as soon as the magnet mount gets here and then I will post a picture of both when I pick up the next one next week. They are really great powerheads IMO

about the tank i am waitng for jcaquatics to send me the different price maybe i will take the 120 gallon with the 2 overflow so i can get a better circulation
If you were to go with the 120 gal with the 2 overflows, is that a 6ft tank like the 125 gal?

Aquaspacelight 2 250w DE HQI + 2 24w PC. Metal Halide i attach here the picture i hope they will be good for the coral .
The lights look pretty good. I don't know very much about lighting because I've never planned on keeping anything other than fish. Now, I've decided to add corals so I will have to do a little research on it...

You asked earlier about the skimmers and the sump...Here is a photo of the AquaC EV you asked about. This one is the EV-120 and the sump was custom built (15 gal)

Oops! Here's a shot of where the skimmer connects to the sump as the gate valve has to be above water level for the skimmer to function properly...

120 gallon 48" x 24" x 24".

it's come with 2 overflow and i think in this case i can put stronger pump like the :blue line 40 HD-X rated 1270 gph or the : 55 HD rated 1100 gph.