Need reply quickly-cleaner shrimp

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D and L
Oct 8, 2006

I have a 32 gallon aquarium with:
-2 percula clownfish
-1 white spotted toby puffer

I am having trouble with red algae. If I purchase a cleaner shirmp will it be harmed by phosphate or red algae?:confused:
Your cleaner shrimp won't be harmed at all by your algae or phosphates. However, I doubt your cleaner shrimp will do much to help eliminate your algae problem. Might try some Mithrax (sp?) Crabs. Have you tested for phosphates? Remember that some phosphates don't show up on tests if they're bound in the sand or rock. Your red algae is probably not an algae at all but rather a form of Cyano Bacteria. Have you tried improving your flow in the areas most effected by the red algae? Might help solve the problem. Also, the addition of a fuge with macro algae may help as well.
I agree...The algae and phosphates won't affect the cleaner shrimp, however...You may want to keep an eye on nitrates and not let them get too high. Chances are if you have algae, then you may have excess nitrates in your tank so I'd keep an eye on them. Just a thought and good luck:)
My nitrates is at 0. But as for phosphate i havent tested yet, i will tomorow. I was told that the puffer fish i had shouldnt harm a cleaner shrimp. Whats this about a Mithrax crab?
nothing is going to really eat the cyano. do a water change and syphon as much out as you can. increase your flow in that area and decrease feeding.
I need my question answered fast! Can someone tell me if my toby puffer will harm my cleaner shrimp?