Need some help!!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
My 72 BF has sprung a leak on the bottom glass. Not a big leak but enough to make me worried on whats going on. I need to take everything out of the tank including the sand to see what it going on. I don't know if it is fixable. Not sure considering all the weight. I was wondering if anyone has or knows someone who has a tank laying around that they are not using or selling. I dont have much money at all. (Active Army) they dont pay us that Any help would be appreciated.
I have a 50 gallon with stand and 20 gallon sump and an HOB protein skimmer that you can borrow until you get your tank straightened out. I will sell it at a later date, but you are welcome to it right now. PM me if you are interested.
just a reminder, if you are asking for help and offering help, this is good. But please remember there is no selling or buying in the open forums. please refer to vBulletin FAQ
Please repost in the classifieds it you are looking to buy or sell.

Thank you.
There is absolutely no charge what so ever. I have been helped by many in this hobby and it is a way to give back and help someone who is in a crisis.
Earl... Thank you so much!! I got everything switched over.


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Earl... Thank you so much!! I got everything switched over.

No problem Sean, I hope it is an easy fix for you and you get your tank up and running again before you deploy. It was nice meeting you and your wife and mom. I was glad I was able to help you out.
It was really nice meeting you as well! Good news is that it just seems to be the silicone seal which I plan on fixing tomorrow. Hopefully that will fix the problem. It just has to make it through deployment then I plan on upgrading :) looking to do a 180g
That would be cool. Well I was glad I could help. I wasn't thinking when you were here but I had a tube of silicone in a caulking gun I could have let you use. Tell your wife to keep my number and if she runs into a problem let me know and I will help her out. My wife and I can buzz down there and we will see if we can figure it out.
I will do that and thanks again. I will let you know when I am coming to bring your tank back to you.