Need suggestions for new nano tank.

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almost anything, definately any small fish and or softy. Make sure of compatibility of livestock in a little tank (get mellow critters.)
the best advice i can give you for a nano tank is that less is more.
treat it like a minature bonsai garden.
choose like one mabye 2 small colorful reef fish, or like a goby/pistol shrimp pair, or like one single neon dottyback.
10g is a little small for clown/anemone combo, but if you did a rose bubble anemone you might be able to get away with it..
as for corals under that light, look at acanthastrea, blastomussa, zoanthids, riccordea mushrooms, sarcophytons, photosynthetic gorgonians, pulsing zenia.
shoot, with 130watts on a ten gallon, you can keep just about any coral you want, granted that you have a good spectrum combo.....I only have 54watts of pc on my 12g and I have softies, lps and a even a couple sps.........
yeah, symbiotic relationships are cool in nanos, and of course, one of the best small tank subjects is the seahorse. A nice pair with a gorgonian centerpiece would be sweet.