ok ive had success with lps under t5s but i just set up a 95 gal pentagon with a 250 watt halide set up 10k bulb because i wanted to try sps so i started with a frag of digitata ,red monti cap and a frag of millapora the reason i concerned about water movement is because ive noticed the corals mucus or waste im not sure of the term but anyways its looking like it is suffocating the corals mostly the monti cap and digitata i have put two pumps in the tank a rio 1700 and a rio 1100 the 1700 is on a timer in 1 hour intervals the 1100 is on constantly ive been watching the corals ,changing the flow direction and moving the frags in different places for the last 2 and a half weeks but the health of the corals seems to be worsening . if there are any more question i would be happy to answer them