Need tang/fish advice

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Nov 14, 2005
I am upgrading my 75 gal to a 180. I currently have:

4-5" Yellow tang
Royal Gramma
2 small yellow tail blue damsels
Yellow watchman goby
1 3-4" Percula clown

I would love another tang but I need advice on what to add since the Yellow is fairly large. I have been looking at the powder browns or sailfins but I believe the sailfin is the same family. Would I need to add at the same time? I am moving the livestock soon and would be tough with a 4-6 week QT period.

I want to add a nice wrasse. I have looked at the leapard wrasses since they are rare but a nice colorful swimmer would be best.

Sorry for the newb question but I have not added fish in quite some time. The 75 has been up for 3 yrs with most fish being in there the majority of the time. The tang was added last and the percula is from a previous FO tank so it is 8+ yrs old.

:lol: At first when I read your message I thought you wrote that you had 4 5" yellow tangs. :D I thought wow they really like yellow tangs. :rolleyes:
THEN dummy that I am I figured out you have 1 4-5" tang. I am a newbie so can't offer any good advice but I am sure others will chime in.

the powder brown would look really's hard to tell the colors that they have from a pic, but my powder brown is probably my favorite has an electric blue stripe around's a cool tang!!!!
Some well established Yellow Tangs will resent the addition of almost any other fish, especially a peaceful Tang.
Some well established Yellow Tangs will resent the addition of almost any other fish, especially a peaceful Tang

That is what I fear. I love my yellow has he has been great but I want more swimmers. LFS had a nice medium size sailfin that I would love to have but he is half the size of the Yellow. I was always leary of overstocking the 75 but I should have more room now :)
Lee is 100% correct on yellow's territorialism, but if going into a new tank, it will have lost it's possesive edge, and will be like 2 new fish into a new tank.
i agree with Mike...the new tank should cut back it's aggression!!! ....another piece of advice is to QT your new tang!!!!!!!!!!(or any new addition)...if you like the tang that you have, it would be best to QT the new addition, so that you don't lose the new one and your present tang to a parasite or disease!!!!
I do QT new fish. Do you think it will be an issue that if the new fish is in QT for 6 weeks and I get the 180 set up and the Yellow is placed first in the 180. If the Yellow is there for 4-6 weeks before the new guy, I could see him going postal on the new addition. Should I keep the yellow out til the new guy(s) are ready to go in?
I do QT new fish. Do you think it will be an issue that if the new fish is in QT for 6 weeks and I get the 180 set up and the Yellow is placed first in the 180. If the Yellow is there for 4-6 weeks before the new guy, I could see him going postal on the new addition. Should I keep the yellow out til the new guy(s) are ready to go in?

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
Alright, I have the 180 with water in it. Nothing will be moved into it yet but I need to get my fish list finalized.

I am going to leave the yellow out until I get the other tang(s) ready to go in. My question is, would a yellow tang, a sailfin and a powder brown be too much for the tank? I think it would be ok but wanted some advice. Do you think they could peacefully live?

I will have the fish above plus a flame angel and a wrasse hopefully.

Sound ok or is this too much? The tank is a 180 but I will have 50 or so in the sump plus another 100 in a frag/refugium tank.
Some well established Yellow Tangs will resent the addition of almost any other fish, especially a peaceful Tang.

I agree, and think that most territory issues are caused by fish being under fed. Fish that feed very aggresive are usually under fed and are preoccupied with where their next meal is going to come from. They get nasty just as any animal would.

I think those fish will be fine. You are not new to this so you know what to look out for. We will be waiting on some pics.
I will to see how things go. I am a light feeder right now. I make my own food though so it is pretty healthy.

The 180 is real cloudy right now. It is nuts with the Dart running full bore. I just need to find some fish and get them QT'd. In the meantime I will finalize my skimmer and lighting needs. I have a 100 gal frag tank to set up too :)
What size CL did you put on it? I put a 8500 GPH CL on the 144gal:)
LOL, no closed loop for me. I am just running the Dart at this point. I have 3 modded maxijets and a Seio 620 to use as well. I hope to have to use them but we will see. I am just using a standard AGA 180 but I am using all 4 holes as drains. I have a 1.5" pipe that is reduced to 1" at the tank and it T's along the back side of the tank. I am running 2 1" outlets and 2 3/4" outlets at the moment. It is all the tank can take I believe.
i would worry about the sailfin and the yellow can be done, but it could go wrong as well.... the powder brown will be fine with the yellow or the sailfin..........also,i just put a Dart on my 125g....i wish i had gone with the Barracuda instead... the Dart doesn't put out enough flow for me
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