Need to kill off aiptasia

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Jul 14, 2011
Renton wa
I need to get a natural "eater" of aiptasia, it's growing in places I can't get aiptasia x into, I recently have purchased a mated pair of ocellaris clowns and they laid eggs next to a huge aiptasia. I believe it's gonna end up stinging the babies and die off, but the area it's at is in my live rock buried by corals and move rocks
I'd say hand torch but you can't reach any of it. And are you sure they were peppermint shrimp. I know a couple of people on here have said there are a couple other that look like them. But aren't, and don't really help with the aiptasia. Just a thought.

HTC EVO tapatalk
Have you had any luck getting rid of the aptasia's? I have used boiling water and a something like a turkey baster before with success. You can also use lemon juice as well right into the mouth.
Yes I have I learned a lot about nudibranches, amazing little creatures, took it about 3 days to get rid of about 15 aiptasia anemones. And a few were huge. However, yes the lemon juice works it's just hard because my mated clowns lay eggs right next to the aiptasia under a lot of rocks so it is really hard to get in there and squirt them...@josh88 yea I'm not too sure how to confirm if they were peppermint shrimp, that never really did anything@trido, I'm attempting to build myself a aiptasia burner! Pretty simple honestly, great idea too
I just went to a hardware thrift store, picked up a hand torch for 5 bucks, put some butane in it. And began torching them

HTC EVO tapatalk
Haha awesome, if u need it I have the nudibranch still, eating away at algae pads waiting for someone that needs him. Kinda feel bad cause he just romes around in a little .5 gallon bucket.
There are a lot of obvious health concerns when doing this but thought it was a cool high tech way of bringing death to these b#$%^%ds. They have taken over my tank, I used the aptasia x, joes juice, and every other method of erradicating these bringers of gloom.
I say lasers for everything. I think that I am going to attach them to my Tangs, that way I can have Tangs that Shoot lasers...........................
I have a pair of peppermint shrimp that did an awesome job of cleaning up a lot of aptasia... all but one massive one who always retracts into a deep hole as soon as I get even remotely close. So that one still needs to go. The camel shrimp look a lot a like peppermint. If they have faint white stripes......not peppermint. Look up camel shrimp and you should be able to tell if you had peppermint or camel. The peppermint can only eat the smaller aptasia. The very large ones they can not consume. I love my peppermints because now that they have irradiated the aptasia I hand feed them some times. One is sooo friendly that if I open the hood and my hand is even near the water he comes swimming as fast as all his legs will let him. Very funny. Besides everything else mentioned I have heard of file fish too for aptasia.
I heard copperband butterfly fish eat aiptasia too, but I also heard they can have a hayday with other types of corals that you don't necessarily want them nipping at. I have a couple of peppermint shrimp that I've actually witnessed them going at the aiptasia, so I'm giving them a chance to see if they do a good job. If they don't...I'm going to try the copperband, besides, they look cool too. But like I said they have been doing a pretty decent job of keeping the small aiptasia in check, the larger ones I use aiptasia X.:)
If you come to the PSAS frag sap there will be a member there talking about aptasia and ways to rid them from your system. I beleive he's speaking at 11am.
I was told aiptasia nudibranch berghia work really well but take time to work. My son purchased a few and seems to be working for him, but the jury is still out he says.
Matted filefish work well if your scared of a copperband.
Nudibergs work very well but if you don't move them near the aptasia they will run out of food and die. And pollute your tank.
So you have to move them around if your aptasia is in sectors.
Everyone I've talked to has had luck with aptasia x, I personally have not I've used two bottles to get to where I am.

Long story short. Matted file fish is the ticket.