New Beginnings

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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New member
Jan 2, 2012
Seattle WA
Hello every one new to the whole saltwater world. Have always wanted one but now finally it is the time. Do want to thank Rukis for showing me the site and convincing my girlfriend that it really is cool to have a saltwater tank :). Any way i need pointers so please any thing you have let me know i need all the help i can get im not looking for a huge tank just some thing small probably less the 30 gallons but any way let me know what ever you think i should know.
Thank you :rapture:

Welcome to RF!!! :welcome:. Wow! Where to begin:p. So many different aspects of reefkeeping. Do you have any experience at all with keeping any sort of aquariums? Let us know. Saltwater is definitely a lot different from fresh and quite a bit to learn to be successful but let us know what experience you have if any so we can know where to begin or if you have any specific questions, just toss them out. :)

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I have no experience at all. unless you count going to fish store and looking at the kick ass cool fish. I guess where i would need to start is what is a good starting position tank wise i mean how small is two small whats average starting size?
Welcome to RF and to this addictive hobby.
I would recommend an All In One Nano. I have a Red Sea Max 34 gal tank. Red Sea MAX130D | New from Red Sea
It is pretty easy to take care of. There are a number of other brands of nano tanks. Hopefully someone that can remmember the others or have one they can tell you about will post.
Well a BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers and that Damien is such a bad influence... JK Like Lorrie stated an All-in-One style aquarium would be a good starting system for someone new to the hobby (no plumbed in sump to deal with initially) I would suggest going as large as you have room for with these type tanks ie; 28-29 gallon size minimum as the larger the water volume the better for water chemistry stability. Any how there is almost always someone selling off a Bio-Cube here or on Craigslist and if you can hold off to find one that has been modded with better lighting and a mini Skimmer that would be worth a little waiting for IMO.

Cheers, Todd