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Jul 3, 2006
Kansas City Missouri
Well i went and picked up Lost Planet for the X-BOX 360 so far its a pretty cool game. Download the demo first play it and then go buy it :) Thats what i did... Very happy that you can play a demo before you spend $60 bones ya know... Plus you get 48 hrs of free x-box live if you dont have the gold membership
Well i went and picked up Lost Planet for the X-BOX 360 so far its a pretty cool game. Download the demo first play it and then go buy it Thats what i did... Very happy that you can play a demo before you spend $60 bones ya know... Plus you get 48 hrs of free x-box live if you dont have the gold membership

you know we got the game coming, but sometimes ... sometimes i get tired of my 3 and a half year old playing the demo over and over and over (he pases the whole darn thing .....better than me:p) .
well i beat the game today!!!! it wasnt a very long game at all :( there went $63 bones down the drain need to start renting them..
well i beat the game today!!!! it wasnt a very long game at all there went $63 bones down the drain need to start renting them..

so you're telling us that you got all the achievements unlocked ...even the ones playing on line???
I just played some halo for the first time in about two years the other night. It all came right back. Like riding a bike. :) My buddies girlfriend thought she was hot siht and challanged me to a duel in hang-em-high. She lost 50-1, and was mad as a hornet. :badgrin:
I just played some halo for the first time in about two years the other night. It all came right back. Like riding a bike. My buddies girlfriend thought she was hot siht and challanged me to a duel in hang-em-high. She lost 50-1, and was mad as a hornet.

LOL!!! you were supposed to let the lady win dood :p:lol:.

CAnt wait for Halo 3, Thats my game.

i think everyone is waiting for that game to come out :D.

not the online ones

so then you're not done .....have you tried playing the game on hard level's insane :eek: