Saltwater Aquarium Guides FAQs
Biological cycle & using Biozyme?
Q. My 55 gallon tank has been set up and running for 4 days now, but I haven't started the biological process yet. Temperature is 75 degrees and specific gravity reads 1.020. I purchased saltwater Biozyme and didn't know if I could use this along with ammonia to cycle the tank without adding some "hardy" fish.
A. Temps pretty good, and salinity looks ok. Sea water is about 1.024, but in our opinion for a fish-only tank, 1.020 is fine.
There are many options you can choose for starting the biological cycle, either using live animals or not. For animals, Damselfish are most often picked for this, and hermit crabs work well too, but cycling a tank with live rock and/or live sand is one of the most popular methods now days. If you don't want to use anything living, there is the ammonium chloride method, as well as using dead raw shrimp to do so. Ammonia is the key to getting it all started, and any of these things will generate ammonia. To learn all about the cycling process, what it is and how it works, along with all the methods used for starting a new tank, refer to our About Biological Filtration Resources.
Biozyme cultured bacteria is good, but we recommend Hiatt's Distributors Right Now Bacteria for kicking starting a new, or even recycling tank. When used properly it can cycle a tank in 24 hours, believe it or not! And, when it is used in conjunction with their Tri-Pelletized Carbon, it also helps to control nitrates in your system after your biological cycle has run its course. To learn about Hiatt and other cycling products, refer to our Additives & Supplements Supplier Resources for product information. -- Debbie & Stan Hauter
this will help clear your mind if you are thinking that your fish are going to dont always need alot of rock look at other peoples tanks not every one uses a lot of rock 40LBS will be fine to get every thang going.