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Jun 10, 2005
vancouver wa
Well, today my wife Nicole and I closed our loan!!!! I haven't talked much about the fact that we were trying to buy a new home because it is our first time and I didn't want to get my hopes up untill I was for sure. But, we closed the loan today and should have our keys in the next couple days. The bad thing is that we have to move by the end of the month so that is very stressfull... We are very excited as I said this is our first time buying a home.
I sure don't look foward to moving my 120 gallon reef either, any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!! I dont have much family up here that can help me move it so I may have my work cut out for me.

Wish my family luck in our new home (and expenses)

Matt and Niki......
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Man that's great news Matt! Congrats! I remember the way I felt when my wife and I bought our Townhouse...Nothing like having something to call your own. I wish you both the best in your new home and that you have a stress free move and speedy transition. What a Christmas gift!! Enjoy it:)
Hey matt congrats Im looking for my third now so I know the stress but before you know it the money you were throwing away in rent will fill you pocket with equity its a cash cow pretty soon you will be looking to by again it becomes an addiction kinda like reefing let me know if you need something I have a pretty empty 30 for storage if you need, and I ussally have most mondays off if you need a hand setting up or moving I also have a truck ( not a very good one) but it gets the job done... COOL I AM HAPPY FOR YOU not many other young people like us do things like this lord knows I have been trying to tell my friends.
Hey Matt,
I have some giant barrels in my backyard that would be great for moving. I also have a bunch of extra powerheads and heaters, not to mention some free time if you need help. Congratulations on the new house! That was a very smart thing to do!

Congrats on your new purchase. Quite the Christmas present for you 2. Don't think about the headaches til they show up.:D Every homeowner has them, so you won't be the first or the last.
Wish I could help out a little more than just offering a good luck from Montana.
Your Credit just got Better, the credit card companies will be calling you soon.
I am just joking. Chances are they will though. Congradulations, You New Home Owner.:)
congrat matt

i'll help u move the 120gal to my apt:lol: :eek:

but no good luck u luv living in your own home.

so went is the project for the tank to be in the wall :eek: :rolleyes:
hey dood, i wish you the best :) i bet it's really exiting to have your own home and not having someone living upstairs or having to worry about flooding your home because you have someone downstairs :p .
Seriously, i wish you the best :)
Well...... It looks like I will be moving the reef on either the 28th or 29th of this month, so if anyone is willing to help and will be available either of those days just let me know, I am very gratefull for the offers some of you made to help me, I really appreciate it and will return the favor some how later on...
By the way I am located by the south hill mall and will be moving closer towards Graham on 176th st on south hill....


Well, we are all done with the move (thank god) moving the reef was a major project!!! we lost a few fish and a few different corals but for the most part every thing went well. It is so wonderfull to own our house and for it to be brand new is even better. any ways thanks for all the offers to help, I know it was rough because of the holidays but I am all finished and now its time to enjoy my new home!

Matt and Niki
176th? Were at dude? I just bought a new home in Silver creek. I think thats right near by you.
matts125 said:
Well, we are all done with the move (thank god) moving the reef was a major project!!! we lost a few fish and a few different corals but for the most part every thing went well. It is so wonderfull to own our house and for it to be brand new is even better. any ways thanks for all the offers to help, I know it was rough because of the holidays but I am all finished and now its time to enjoy my new home!

Matt and Niki

Congrats on the completion of the dreaded MOVE!!!!!! It's a hassle for sure, but one that you'll look back on and be glad you did it!!