New kid on the block

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2012
Renton, WA
Hey there,

My name is Suzanne and I am new to the forum. I just got started in the hobby and am looking to learn from others and their trial and errors.
So about me..
I have been wanting to get into the hobby for sometime now oh 10 years.. and now seems to be a good time.
I have trolled craigslist for a long time and found a used tank and stand in decent shape. It requires a few new hinges, some cleaning from salt creep and Tank sanding and buffing..Then to figure out the maze of plumbing..yikes..

I have reinforced the I don't want a giant hole :)

Items I have acquired:
180 gallon acrylic tank with right side overflow.
Nice custom stand and hood
Looks about 50-60 gallons..Acrylic sump with 4 compartments and various plumbing options.
2 SeaSwirls
Reefflo DART Pump 1550 RPM
Top Fathom 100 super old skimmer..probably will replace..
Some sort of lighting system.. I think it looks similar to the Marineland series..but a level cheaper...not sure what it the light has no markings on it.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers. Nice tank. Well, there are a lot of great helpful people here. Any questions, ask away!

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I second that, awesome setup for now. It'll be sweet getting t going. Looking forward to this.
Your in the right place for questions. Everyone is more than happy to help. I may have some little frags of zoas to help fill that big thing up :) let us know.
A Big welcome to RF! There's a lot to learn so always feel free to ask because there are no dumb questions and there is more than one way to care a tank, every tank has its own personality. Take the time to know yours and you'll be fine.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Looking forward to finally getting this thing moving. I will blog the whole process probably in the build thread when I find it.. I am sure I will ask many a question :) There is a lot to learn and a lot to see on this site..what a great resource.

So to reply to the 10 years..well ya know life happened kids, no we actually have resources to put into a tank. I want be a responsible coral owner. :) Plus there is so many different ways to put a tank together..I just couldn't decide.

As far as stuff I am thinking of putting in.. Here is the list so far.. it will grow as time goes on..

Cleaning Crew
Black Sailfin Blenny
lettuce nudibranchs
Maragrita, Zebra Turbo, Mexican Turbo Snail
Jester Goby
Dward Red Tip Hermit
Emerald Mythrax Crab
Scarlet Hermit

coral, fans, mushroom wish list
Blue mushroom rock
blastomussa merletti
pinnaple closed brain
Branching Alveopora
Red Cynarina
Yellow Branched Porites
Pink Pocillipora
Turquoise Staghorn
Blue matrix Acropora
Red Montipora capricornus
Australian Delicate Staghorn
Armor of God Palythoa
Fiji Yellow leather
Large Toadstool Leather w/White Polyps
Montipora Coral Plating(Vase Coral)
Blueberry Sea fan

Fish list
Blue linkia star fish
Clown fish
Regal Tang
mandarin goby
emperor angel
Pajama Cardinal
red koko worm
Maxima Clam
Other fish that get along with this all.
Welcome to RF...great people here willing to help.

with that list of stuff, I definitely would replace the current skimmer with a better one....clams and large angels usually dont fair well together..and angels can nip/destroy a reef...BUT there is an exception to every rule...

I would suggest you pick up the following book and read it at least twice:

The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists (Microcosm/T.F.H. Professional): Robert M. Fenner, Matthew L. Wittenrich, Scott W. Michael: 9781890087999: Books

I have this book in my reef library and still use it even after 18 plus yrs in the hobby.
Welcome to the best forum on the net!!! Look forward to following your build. There are a ton of great people here and a lot of information to soak up!!! I agree with Kirk on the book that was my very first book to read before setting up a saltwater aquarium and that was in 2000, so I have had that book a long time as well. We are also very fortunate to have some great local shops/owners in our area! Enjoy your leap into this amazing addiction!
Ok great tips, I will pick up the book. I don't want my coral no angel. I plan to start work tonight..I should be blogging soon about the build.
It may take me a bit..but the hope is to have water in by Christmas.
another tim on hermits. im my opinion they are not needed and only deplete your snails by eating them and steeling there shells. also they steal food from your coral.
Another BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers and looking forward to seeing your build progress. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Cheers, Todd
Ok first question..

Tunze or MP40's?

Anyone have a favorite heater brand?

I was thinking of going with the Reef Octupus NW 200 skimmer.

I personally like the MP product. No cords and/or anything inside the rank generating heat. Even though I think this is low with the Tunze's also. I have 1 MP40 on each side/ends and an MP10 on the back. I can create my own snow globe in my living room if I want.
I had a pair of mp40s on my tank. 1 on each end. They produced enough flow for what i have. I had a hose come off for my uv, so it sprayed 1 of the controllers and fried the electronics, so one of them dont work. I went to barrier reefs sale and picked up a 1400 gph powerhead on sale until i can get a new controller. I love them! As for tunze, i cant say, never used them and have only seen them in 1 reef tank. We dont have alot of reefers here in kitsap county, unlike king/pierce countys.
The blue liktina star fish are beautiful. But they are hard to take care of I guess. I had one for almost 6 months. They are very hard to spot feed and supposuvly do not last log in a aquarium.
Long story short mine didn't last but 6 months :(. They are beautiful stars tho. I would definitely get another.

Go for a skimmer now. Lighting next then flow to keep up with your corals needed flow.
Atleast that's how I would do it again.
Mp40s are beast tho and if you can afford 500 go for it. Eventually everything will come together. :) can't wait